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KarinaB ( 17/02/25 01:20 am ) KarinaB has just broken KarinaB highscore of 37,460 in Bouncy Bird with a new highscore of 48,990   ·   KarinaB ( 17/02/25 12:59 am ) KarinaB has just broken Mr. Wonderful highscore of 36,540 in Bouncy Bird with a new highscore of 37,460   ·   KarinaB ( 16/02/25 06:42 pm ) KarinaB has just broken jjaychooch highscore of 371 in Mahjong-Classic - Ostern 024 with a new highscore of 390   ·   KarinaB ( 16/02/25 01:18 am ) KarinaB has just broken jjaychooch highscore of 304 in Mahjong-Classic - Ostern 099 with a new highscore of 322   ·   KarinaB ( 15/02/25 11:29 pm ) KarinaB has just broken jjaychooch highscore of 375 in Mahjong-Classic - Ostern 042 with a new highscore of 562   ·   KarinaB ( 15/02/25 05:59 pm ) KarinaB has just broken jjaychooch highscore of 376 in Mahjong-Classic - Ostern 007 with a new highscore of 430   ·   KarinaB ( 13/02/25 11:18 pm ) KarinaB has just broken jjaychooch highscore of 322 in Mahjong-Classic - Ostern 036 with a new highscore of 388   ·   KarinaB ( 13/02/25 11:07 pm ) KarinaB has just broken jjaychooch highscore of 358 in Mahjong-Classic - Ostern 008 with a new highscore of 390   ·   KarinaB ( 13/02/25 12:46 am ) KarinaB has just broken jjaychooch highscore of 370 in Mahjong-Classic - Ostern 013 with a new highscore of 382   ·   KarinaB ( 12/02/25 12:24 am ) KarinaB has just broken KarinaB highscore of 11,400 in Cannon vs Zombies with a new highscore of 12,910

Welcome to the Arcade Guest
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Rankings for Guest
Times Played
High Score Age
Alchemy Tiles 7,822 8 out of 16 5487 805d 4h 13m 23s
Assassin 1,543 4 out of 12 2522 6341d 10m 39s
Ballance Balls 10 34 out of 35 3258 4394d 10h 7m 50s
Barn Break 12,730 7 out of 16 788 5824d 18h 2m 42s
Bloody Land 2,320 5 out of 13 881 6110d 14h 26m 40s
Border 3,700 4 out of 15 1994 5863d 11h 19m 10s
Champion 2,265 3 out of 15 1145 6359d 17h 1m 29s
Circle Click 129 6 out of 30 1051 1844d 37m 40s
Counter Strike Source 70 2 out of 8 706 6149d 15h 7m 36s
Dare Devil 18,900 3 out of 27 1160 6512d 7h 46m 32s
Drunk Santa 21 3 out of 36 2177 6513d 18h 4m 1s
Gun Slinger 95 14 out of 19 781 3083d 10h 51m 47s
Helicopter 2,851 6 out of 40 1387 3291d 8h 20m 0s
Inside Out Pinball 112,000 4 out of 19 2260 6064d 12h 55m 6s
Luigis Adventure 22,060 4 out of 23 769 5555d 3h 53m 41s
Mahjong Connect 2,120 36 out of 180 126309 4121d 13h 18m 13s
Mahjongg: Alchemy 23,552 17 out of 37 9993 3003d 3h 2m 30s
Mission Impossible 770 3 out of 13 706 6510d 40m 33s
Pendulumeca 1,282 2 out of 21 1220 2636d 18h 9m 29s
Pocket Halo 170 3 out of 22 768 6506d 16h 7m 43s
Scooby's Ripping Ride 3 11 out of 21 1222 6510d 13h 7m 11s
Scoobys Curse Of Anubis 7,250 20 out of 30 922 6046d 2h 43m 16s
Stalingrad sprint 82 1 out of 16 1252 6514d 12h 40m 32s
Street Rally 3,123 2 out of 5 1260 2442d 6h 24m 0s
Super Mario Capeglide 696 11 out of 27 805 6084d 3h 48m 2s
Tank Master 1,800 16 out of 21 923 6099d 19h 49m 33s
Worm Hole 801 4 out of 17 817 5924d 3h 46m 48s
Yeti Sports 1 SE 1,578.400 6 out of 64 14855 1605d 4h 3m 57s
Yeti Sports Pentathlon 3,461.01 7 out of 146 65990 3194d 20h 47m 6s

Users Active in the Arcade (Total Users: 212, Record Total: 9437)
Active Users Members: 0 | Guests: 212 | Anonymous: 0 
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Arcade Statistics
Board Stats We have a total of 15,640 games in our Arcade
Our users have played a total of 2 games today
Our users have played a total of 15,151,380 games, for a total time of 8y 5m 9d 17h 52m 34s
Out of 15,640 total games, 4,980 games have been added to users favorites
483 members have favorites saved, with a total of 8,864 favorite games saved between them
Goldminer Vegas Full Version has been added to users favorites 48 times making it the top game based on favorites

- Lo-Fi Version Time is now: 17th February 2025 - 04:44 PM
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