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KarinaB ( 17/01/25 08:56 pm ) KarinaB has just broken gab highscore of 6,482 in Extreme Farm with a new highscore of 9,574   ·   KarinaB ( 15/01/25 09:04 pm ) KarinaB has just broken Rddz70 highscore of 14,482 in Felix Lost In Time with a new highscore of 25,718   ·   KarinaB ( 15/01/25 01:02 am ) KarinaB has just set a new score of 12,900 in Final ninja   ·   KarinaB ( 14/01/25 01:57 am ) KarinaB has just broken Mr. Wonderful highscore of 3,476 in Puzzle - American Graffitti with a new highscore of 4,286   ·   KarinaB ( 13/01/25 11:49 pm ) KarinaB has just broken KarinaB highscore of 3,850 in Find The Difference Other 2 with a new highscore of 3,907   ·   KarinaB ( 13/01/25 11:48 pm ) KarinaB has just broken Mr. Wonderful highscore of 3,840 in Find The Difference Other 2 with a new highscore of 3,850   ·   KarinaB ( 13/01/25 11:07 pm ) KarinaB has just broken Mr. Wonderful highscore of 2,734 in Find The Difference Nature 3 with a new highscore of 4,304   ·   KarinaB ( 13/01/25 06:49 pm ) KarinaB has just broken KarinaB highscore of 235,640 in Fireworks Racing with a new highscore of 260,360   ·   KarinaB ( 13/01/25 06:42 pm ) KarinaB has just broken Rddz70 highscore of 235,510 in Fireworks Kart Racing with a new highscore of 242,270   ·   KarinaB ( 13/01/25 06:36 pm ) KarinaB has just broken Obi-Wan Kenobi highscore of 229,950 in Fireworks Racing with a new highscore of 235,640

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Rankings for titch1952
Times Played
High Score Age
Deep Sea Word Search 3,890 1 out of 7 1120 5902d 5h 42m 44s
Electricman 2 HS 34,665 1 out of 4 917 6027d 20h 18m 24s
Formation 6,070 1 out of 12 560 5792d 5h 39m 48s
Giggly Pops 1,242,340 1 out of 5 419 5481d 5h 53m 37s
Jump Jump 3,167 1 out of 12 704 6001d 56m 15s
Leap of Faith 27,200 1 out of 15 682 6185d 18h 42m 39s
Magic Touch 2,700 1 out of 4 882 5635d 2h 16m 28s
Pepsi Pinball 8,049,811 1 out of 10 816 6058d 6h 46m 58s
Pub Quiz 48,296 1 out of 5 1653 5815d 6h 57m 45s
Puzzle Bobble 206,810 1 out of 9 652 5415d 1h 7m 16s
Santas Factory 140 1 out of 5 549 5445d 20h 33m 20s
Scary Sleep Over 1,290 1 out of 7 1356 6041d 7h 49m 32s
Scooby doo Big air 2 TIMED 17,520 1 out of 16 892 5881d 23h 26m 10s
Sonic and Knuckles pacman 35,480 1 out of 19 680 5445d 20h 41m 13s
Sonic Pacman 2 75,110 1 out of 14 749 5800d 1h 5m 52s
Spider Man. Dark Side 12,666 1 out of 9 1169 5722d 6h 5m 24s
Toxic 1,450 1 out of 10 1483 5442d 23h 35m 50s

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Arcade Statistics
Board Stats We have a total of 15,640 games in our Arcade
Our users have played a total of 1 games today
Our users have played a total of 14,976,255 games, for a total time of 8y 5m 6d 10h 16m 13s
Out of 15,640 total games, 4,973 games have been added to users favorites
482 members have favorites saved, with a total of 8,848 favorite games saved between them
Goldminer Vegas Full Version has been added to users favorites 48 times making it the top game based on favorites

- Lo-Fi Version Time is now: 18th January 2025 - 07:52 PM
YourForum - make yourself @ home | AllSigs - Signatures for all | Rock Band + Guitar Hero = RockHero ! | The Remoters - Remote Assistance | FileMiners - You ask, We find