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pintos ( 12/12/24 11:50 am ) pintos has just broken KarinaB highscore of 161,460 in Bubble Witch - Winter with a new highscore of 163,650   ·   KarinaB ( 11/12/24 05:34 pm ) KarinaB has just broken SuperDupper highscore of 1,615 in Memory Pets with a new highscore of 1,745   ·   Minyainya ( 11/12/24 11:48 am ) Minyainya has just broken miraooo highscore of 374 in Great Mahjong - Classic - Candy - Level with a new highscore of 386   ·   KarinaB ( 10/12/24 11:12 pm ) KarinaB has just broken Mr. Wonderful highscore of 22,800 in Mini Jeep Ride with a new highscore of 24,000   ·   KarinaB ( 08/12/24 12:26 am ) KarinaB has just broken Mr. Wonderful highscore of 2,287,503 in Mucca Chucka with a new highscore of 2,523,688   ·   KarinaB ( 07/12/24 08:08 pm ) KarinaB has just broken KarinaB highscore of 6,352 in Nero the Hero with a new highscore of 6,546   ·   KarinaB ( 07/12/24 08:01 pm ) KarinaB has just broken SuperDupper highscore of 5,015 in Nero the Hero with a new highscore of 6,352   ·   KarinaB ( 07/12/24 01:14 am ) KarinaB has just broken Vakko74 highscore of 9,679 in Neve Rest with a new highscore of 11,226   ·   KarinaB ( 07/12/24 12:15 am ) KarinaB has just broken Mr. Wonderful highscore of 10,550 in Neptune Buggy with a new highscore of 11,700   ·   Minyainya ( 07/12/24 12:13 am ) Minyainya has just broken Minyainya highscore of 328 in Great Mahjong - Classic - Animal - Level with a new highscore of 386

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Rankings for gab
Times Played
High Score Age
3D Superball 254 1 out of 14 644 5641d 2h 58m 4s
A Big Filthy Ape 66,250 1 out of 34 1278 5930d 19h 53m 13s
A Ski 3,829 1 out of 10 733 5876d 20h 53m 25s
Aircrafts Race 1,870 1 out of 24 1818 6020d 18h 25m 1s
Alien Attack 3,116 1 out of 15 2995 6019d 2h 13m 30s
Alien Attack 42,080 1 out of 10 750 6026d 20h 34m 53s
Angry Old Wizard 345 1 out of 31 1998 6017d 21h 15m 7s
Ant city 4,080 1 out of 16 966 5498d 22h 20m 48s
Armor Cupid 7,900 1 out of 11 667 5620d 18h 53m 5s
Ass Hunter 7,390 1 out of 37 1154 5616d 11h 5m 44s
Baby Ball 3,585 1 out of 12 725 5852d 19h 19m 43s
Baby Destruction 299 1 out of 6 692 5892d 5h 11m 55s
Backyard Madness V32 12,910 1 out of 7 380 5531d 19h 21m 14s
Bad Plastic Surgery 1,000 1 out of 8 661 5873d 21h 24m 38s
Balloon Assault 24,060 1 out of 16 857 5546d 2h 34m 13s
Barbarian 9,300 1 out of 11 636 5725d 10h 29m 38s
Beaver Blast 34,970 1 out of 9 687 5503d 9h 15m 50s
Beer Shooter 1,205 1 out of 14 1333 5893d 18h 26m 24s
Ben 10 Critical Impact 84,900 1 out of 11 1018 5964d 21h 43m 29s
Berzerk 9,170 1 out of 10 841 5492d 6h 59m 28s
Big Diamond 66,100 1 out of 10 532 5481d 18h 58m 32s
Blob Lander 6,936 1 out of 10 881 5508d 19h 55m 44s
Bloody Battle 14,130 1 out of 3 583 5893d 19h 32m 17s
Bombing By Night 7,110 1 out of 5 822 5788d 18h 50m 2s
Bouncy n Bob 1,500 1 out of 54 1371 5498d 22h 34m 50s
Break Out 4 1 out of 8 510 5880d 19h 31m 25s
Brighton Bounty Hunter 28,940 1 out of 42 1853 6010d 18h 13m 53s
Brothers In Arms 41 1 out of 6 1073 5888d 19h 34m 31s
Bubble Shift 4,019 1 out of 8 1739 5893d 18h 39m 17s
Bug Juice 106 1 out of 10 519 5516d 21h 56m 56s
Bug Time 3,656 1 out of 14 677 5498d 18h 26m 56s
Bugz 290 1 out of 25 673 5919d 23h 3m 2s
Cany cane crisis 1,873 1 out of 7 1320 5821d 21h 48m 45s
Carpet Tuggler 17,000 1 out of 8 948 5781d 2h 6m 37s
Cat invaders 21,717 1 out of 13 709 6033d 1h 55m 34s
Cat Invaders 18,252 1 out of 8 1210 5737d 4h 54m 58s
Cave man Run 1,235 1 out of 6 572 5688d 4h 6m 22s
Chao fruit catch medium 148 1 out of 11 610 5654d 4h 24m 20s
Choron Ka Rraja 75,600 1 out of 10 618 5887d 18h 5m 8s
Christmas Party 29,952 1 out of 6 546 5874d 18h 39m 49s
Chuckie Egg 30,220 1 out of 11 605 6041d 11h 35m 48s
Chuckie Egg 12,810 1 out of 7 833 5783d 19h 45m 44s
Chuckie Egg 13,440 1 out of 5 550 4207d 20h 26m 51s
Circuit Smash 2,178 1 out of 10 968 5867d 18h 35m 44s
Classroom pitfall 75 1 out of 2 780 5588d 18h 13m 38s
Cosmic Fozmik 2,868 1 out of 8 1044 4279d 23h 21m 45s
Crazy Ball 22 1 out of 6 468 5602d 1h 27m 53s
Crazy Ball (Easy) 11 1 out of 9 959 5675d 18h 29m 12s
Crazy Ball (Hard) 17 1 out of 5 547 5866d 17h 49m 3s
Crazy Ball (Medium) 15 1 out of 5 527 5633d 19h 59m 31s
Crazy Chopper 11,349 1 out of 7 681 5980d 2h 57m 12s
Crazy Kimono Doll Assault 708 1 out of 16 808 5479d 18h 18m 50s
Cursor Grab 196 1 out of 10 1106 5296d 3h 30m 30s
CyBalls 34,980 1 out of 18 849 5640d 4h 44m 13s
DA Bomb Pong 14 1 out of 18 1233 5849d 22m 32s
Daffy Jumper 1,000 1 out of 9 752 5744d 1h 20m 5s
Derecho 45,060 1 out of 6 531 5488d 18h 29m 33s
Desert Storm 50,050 1 out of 8 756 5497d 18h 42m 41s
Desert Storm 50,150 1 out of 5 1118 5497d 19h 7m 56s
Devils and Cupids 2,450 1 out of 6 685 5718d 21h 5m 36s
Diddis Frogland 14,900 1 out of 9 427 5744d 50m 27s
Doc OCK Rampage 59,500 1 out of 7 610 6024d 2h 8m 49s
Doctor Who Into The Vortex 4,450 1 out of 8 701 5536d 18h 30m 16s
Dodge Fishy 2,183 1 out of 9 665 5985d 21h 3m 58s
Dog For All Seasons 12,600 1 out of 5 544 5876d 18h 39m 23s
Doggy Drag 16,812 1 out of 18 571 5507d 18h 40s
Domino Quest Easy 55,790 1 out of 6 634 5489d 2h 18m 25s
Domino Quest Hard 88,020 1 out of 7 519 5516d 20h 38m 57s
Drifts 584 1 out of 22 1882 5891d 21h 54m 5s
Dunces And Dragons 33,000 1 out of 12 590 6013d 20h 14m 24s
Dustbingate 56 1 out of 8 595 4270d 22h 21m 34s
Eat Ball 288 1 out of 11 1260 5692d 19h 4m 17s
Eat My Mouse 2,044 1 out of 12 2040 5487d 19h 7m 38s
Egg and Pot 1,350 1 out of 12 545 5733d 21h 32m 56s
Eggs 57 1 out of 9 504 5744d 1h 3m 38s
El Emigrante 2,924 1 out of 10 496 3881d 19h 30m 59s
Elemigrante 3,197 1 out of 8 497 5873d 22h 59m 52s
Elevation 50,682 1 out of 28 885 5933d 2h 14m 28s
Elfmeterschiessen 6,280 1 out of 7 643 5800d 23h 13m 16s
Ellevill shopping 1,800 1 out of 6 1710 5767d 19h 31m 43s
Eminem Mania 75,700 1 out of 8 887 6019d 10h 19m 42s
Excited Insects 3,730 1 out of 7 733 5825d 19h 13m 53s
Extreme Farm 6,482 1 out of 4 991 5512d 18h 5m 0s
Fantastic Four 142,500 1 out of 8 968 5453d 21h 28m 52s
Fish Food 680 1 out of 23 739 6034d 19h 20m 2s
Flametry Wars 19,961 1 out of 6 707 5761d 18h 1m 46s
Flash Crisis 5,820 1 out of 7 824 5616d 9h 33m 54s
Flash Fighter 1,860 1 out of 6 629 5939d 18h 39m 5s
Flash Geometry Wars 40,400 1 out of 6 523 5759d 17h 33m 49s
Flashball 2,550 1 out of 18 1118 6029d 19h 41m 0s
Flood Bath 483 1 out of 8 493 5873d 22h 48m 12s
Flying Pengus 70 1 out of 15 680 5966d 1h 34m 48s
Free Fall 369 1 out of 59 911 6019d 3h 19s
Free Fall 430 1 out of 17 757 5843d 17h 34m 8s
Frogeee 200 1 out of 9 561 5489d 19h 27m 3s
Frogs Plague 2,610 1 out of 8 567 6024d 10h 12m 27s
Fruit Chimp 2,920 1 out of 10 654 5602d 1h 32m 39s
Funclub 346 1 out of 27 1046 5831d 2h 21m 50s
FWG Pinnball 109,920 1 out of 9 599 5866d 18h 4m 43s
Galagon 2004 14,580 1 out of 7 739 5527d 7h 58m 36s
Game With Death 900 1 out of 7 516 6010d 4h 23m 30s
Gary Golf 1,608 1 out of 52 2074 5801d 19h 26m 5s
Gaxoc 2 Evil Invader 24,390 1 out of 12 731 5502d 21h 18m 36s
Get Flippy 49 1 out of 11 578 5789d 20h 52m 5s
Ghost Hunter 2 4,320 1 out of 27 715 6027d 1h 48m 17s
GHoul Academy Web 201,050 1 out of 6 604 5880d 23h 50m 10s
Going Up 2,704 1 out of 8 645 5852d 21h 14s
GoldWell 9,705 1 out of 10 719 5828d 6h 21m 54s
Graag revamped 236,520 1 out of 6 477 5733d 20h 52m 48s
Graviton 4,320 1 out of 10 762 5502d 20h 47m 45s
Gravity Orb 1,065 1 out of 7 833 5494d 19h 3m 5s
Gruellas GrubFest 4,940 1 out of 7 517 5955d 20h 49m 17s
Halloween Adventure 250 1 out of 6 632 5888d 19h 19m 34s
Halo Flash 23 1 out of 5 666 5527d 4h 40m 11s
Hand of God 2,700 1 out of 19 599 6031d 15m 18s
Happy Hearts 32 1 out of 13 557 5480d 19h 44m 58s
Happy Heks 7,526 1 out of 9 2568 5794d 19h 14m 22s
Head Space 14,300 1 out of 7 609 6038d 22h 56m 34s
Heavy Metal Rider 529,280 1 out of 4 637 5876d 19h 0s
Hell Bound 820 1 out of 8 671 5674d 17m 58s
Holo Holo Island Demo 2,306,676 1 out of 7 798 5965d 20h 9m 55s
Ibuneroids 107 1 out of 24 921 6024d 21h 10m 55s
Indestructo Tank 52 1 out of 12 667 6013d 1h 39m 2s
Indiana Jones 205 1 out of 7 630 5969d 2h 41m 32s
Insurgo Remix 3,300 1 out of 7 763 5355d 1h 27m 43s
Irritating Game 27.02 1 out of 12 696 5620d 18h 48m 33s
Jake,s Fire Power 21,910 1 out of 9 618 5887d 19h 8m 14s
James the Circus Zebra - Ball of Doom 57.63 1 out of 7 603 6038d 20h 46m 22s
Juego 3,402 1 out of 15 709 5465d 1h 1m 38s
Juggle 51,400 1 out of 6 709 5527d 8h 35m 13s
Jump 15,442 1 out of 9 559 5624d 1h 55m 0s
Jumping Jelly Beans 16,300 1 out of 13 626 6003d 18h 18m 31s
Jungle Dave 15,950 1 out of 24 1017 6034d 2h 50m 44s
Katocan 870 1 out of 29 1120 5492d 6h 50m 18s
Keyboard Smash 2,440 1 out of 8 841 5854d 18h 13m 13s
Khooni Haveli 17,700 1 out of 20 1188 5498d 23h 33m 39s
Kill Crazy Frog N/A 1 out of 9 560 2177d 16h 42m 56s
Kim Possible: Ron's Freefall 1,340 1 out of 4 949 4232d 2h 43m 22s
Kingdom Of Gold 820 1 out of 3 532 5593d 19h 41m 4s
Kitty Maze 43,122 1 out of 19 959 6029d 2h 58m 27s
Knights Of Rock 917,121 1 out of 9 594 5488d 18h 23m 47s
Ladybug 27,520 1 out of 7 1903 5880d 22h 48m 5s
Leap Of Faith 15,057 1 out of 5 521 5876d 19h 12m 39s
Low Altitude Attack 2,013 1 out of 6 532 5934d 18h 57m 17s
Luminara 302,425 1 out of 6 524 5807d 18h 54m 4s
Ma-Balls 6,165 1 out of 12 639 5513d 18h 55m 6s
Maddie Snack Encounter 22,000 1 out of 6 4216 5803d 20h 50m 45s
Major Mayhem 20,116 1 out of 11 793 6024d 20h 47m 30s
Mario hardcore 118,350 1 out of 9 592 5481d 19h 23m 38s
Mario Ventura 2,400 1 out of 26 1668 5490d 1h 38m 48s
Matrix Rampage 4,868 1 out of 5 454 5587d 18h 28m 21s
Maze Game 865 1 out of 7 814 5473d 18h 13m 25s
Mesmemarble 2 14,200 1 out of 9 1121 6002d 18h 52m 13s
Meteor Strike 482,375 1 out of 15 653 5871d 6m 14s
Military Airport 830 1 out of 6 552 6038d 2h 35m 23s
Mind Scape 13,614 1 out of 8 1008 6002d 2h 7m 32s
Moko 106 1 out of 16 663 6013d 19h 10m 47s
Monkey Island 28,535 1 out of 10 943 5887d 19h 17m 19s
Monkey Poop Fight 13,230 1 out of 7 925 5887d 18h 44m 21s
Monser Mash 2 21,250 1 out of 7 555 4221d 19h 43m 51s
Monster Stack 746 1 out of 36 1151 5498d 18h 49m 26s
Moon Cave 3,300 1 out of 7 601 5891d 2h 34m 6s
Moon Patrol 19,250 1 out of 12 546 6036d 21h 9m 7s
Moorhuhn Piraten 990 1 out of 17 792 5196d 19h 13m 40s
Mouse Hunt 25,852 1 out of 12 634 5855d 21h 24m 40s
Mouse Wars 3,780 1 out of 8 566 5493d 18h 17m 46s
Mr Munch 24,920 1 out of 10 485 6017d 4h 30m 24s
Muck About 5,940 1 out of 8 900 5891d 1h 28m 35s
Mummy Pac 3,398 1 out of 11 601 5740d 19h 59m 12s
Munni Matkewali 101,400 1 out of 4 616 5725d 10h 43m 43s
Music Ping 11,680 1 out of 3 741 5964d 19h 35m 32s
Music Smash 2,980 1 out of 6 442 5562d 18h 51m 10s
Music Stomp 10,000 1 out of 9 663 5838d 18h 37m 6s
Music Stomp 10,000 1 out of 5 502 4259d 19h 31m 32s
Mysteries Of Horus 4,321 1 out of 1 1152 5527d 4h 29m 35s
Night Raptor 1.0 21,896 1 out of 10 801 5747d 18h 2m 19s
Ninja Air Combat 2,038,385 1 out of 8 694 5500d 19h 18m 53s
Ninja Bus Boy 735 1 out of 13 868 5527d 22h 49m 53s
Ninjotic Mayhem 175,264 1 out of 7 1438 5906d 19h 52m 59s
Nodes 833 1 out of 8 618 5888d 20h 11m 25s
Off Road Trophy 2,860 1 out of 8 572 5829d 20h 29m 13s
Old Man Fishing 5,133 1 out of 5 356 3854d 7h 10m 52s
Orbis Impetus 34,970 1 out of 13 663 6022d 21h 54m 51s
Orbis Impetus 15,010 1 out of 6 626 5874d 17h 38m 21s
Outer Space Trace 581,150 1 out of 8 990 5482d 18h 49m 20s
Pac 342 1 out of 12 521 5855d 21h 58m 26s
Pack Jack 19,450 1 out of 7 552 5666d 23h 7m 2s
Paladin 333 1 out of 8 609 5934d 3h 47m 15s
Pandora,s Box 10,700 1 out of 11 633 5602d 1h 23m 12s
Panic Bomb 2 417 1 out of 13 812 5949d 1h 12m 17s
Paperplane Madness 2 40,453 1 out of 9 654 6031d 23h 23m 48s
Parachute retro 16,875 1 out of 6 680 5726d 18h 25m 29s
Parachute Retrospect 9,680 1 out of 7 559 5939d 19h 39s
Penguin Panic 471 1 out of 6 547 5754d 21h 44m 2s
Phoenix Revenge 38,970 1 out of 6 1185 5502d 20h 20m 14s
Phoenix Revenge 28,890 1 out of 4 549 5502d 20h 12m 16s
Pipe Panic 22,540 1 out of 6 591 5488d 19h 43m 12s
Pocket Halo 3 140 1 out of 9 787 5934d 18h 49m 31s
Population Tire 314 1 out of 12 954 6028d 20h 23m 44s
Power Force 3,580 1 out of 8 580 6037d 22h 20m 42s
Powerman 61,325 1 out of 6 644 5484d 22h 20m 25s
Prawn Of The Dead 288,084 1 out of 6 540 5724d 19h 42m 24s
Puff Ball Easy 201,650 1 out of 4 541 5493d 18h 46m 58s
Puff Ball Hard 91,950 1 out of 6 655 5498d 22h 52m 39s
Puzzled Sheep 20,485 1 out of 4 659 5501d 1h 19m 58s
Race Against Time 726 1 out of 6 543 5848d 23h 26m 11s
Rafting 1,919 1 out of 9 785 5807d 17h 23m 5s
Railroad BOOM! 200 1 out of 5 560 6037d 22h 2m 33s
Raju Meter 2 327,900 1 out of 5 611 5873d 20h 41m 8s
Rapid Fire 2 Normal 5,236 1 out of 8 737 5878d 18h 19m 8s
Ready Aim Fire 11,220 1 out of 10 587 4277d 22h 47m 40s
Rebound 2 135,880 1 out of 5 669 5881d 1h 12m 11s
Red Nose 117 1 out of 4 489 4279d 22h 59m 13s
Retron 2,019 1 out of 9 531 5825d 18h 12m 8s
Rhythem Blaster 187,200 1 out of 6 664 5762d 19h 59m 17s
Rick Dangerous 9,570 1 out of 26 1870 5477d 23h 32m 51s
Ring Pass Not - Taming the Dragon N/A 1 out of 5 460 1813d 17h 16m 18s
RoboJack 12,240 1 out of 5 414 5422d 21h 46m 14s
Robotboy - Depth Charger 85,800 1 out of 4 624 5888d 19h 3m 21s
Rocket Walrus 123,300 1 out of 8 812 5768d 20h 12m 48s
Rodeo 76,318 1 out of 10 775 5802d 18h 37m 7s
Roller Blade-Grinder 112.1 1 out of 7 715 5885d 17h 32m 23s
Rotobo 1,174 1 out of 15 742 5795d 19h 12m 55s
Santa Snowboarding 3,146 1 out of 16 691 6010d 9h 27m 18s
Santa's Gift Jump 34,740 1 out of 9 635 3881d 19h 13m 49s
Saugerspiel 1,214 1 out of 11 692 5887d 19h 47m 42s
Save The Army 31,100 1 out of 8 548 5980d 2h 31m 37s
SB Krusty Weekly 15,826 1 out of 7 556 5951d 1h 33m 59s
SB Pyramid Peril 56,760 1 out of 6 614 5800d 7h 11m 42s
SB Ship O Ghouls 66,397 1 out of 5 799 5824d 16h 42m 15s
Serpents 37,425 1 out of 8 543 5926d 22h 4m 39s
Shoot Or Be Shot 540 1 out of 11 565 5502d 20h 6m 2s
Short Circuit 14,610 1 out of 12 712 5796d 21h 39m 0s
Shy Guy's Big Bird Chase 249.444 1 out of 9 1251 5876d 18h 56m 6s
SilverSphere 29,548 1 out of 19 1404 5796d 20h 38m 4s
Simple Shooting 1,810,880 1 out of 6 1575 3881d 19h 27m 45s
Sky Patrol 89,000 1 out of 9 727 5948d 2h 28m 32s
Sky Wings 13,050 1 out of 10 706 5866d 21h 19m 41s
Sky Wire 18,303 1 out of 17 1313 5967d 2h 4m 43s
Smash 7,830 1 out of 5 611 5407d 1h 35m 0s
Snake 3 1,801 1 out of 59 851 5698d 21h 23m 16s
Snake Blast 157,500 1 out of 23 661 5698d 21h 54m 38s
Snaket 39 1 out of 17 615 5870d 2h 21m 36s
Snipe 1,280 1 out of 7 444 5870d 1h 53m 0s
Snowball Pinball 75,436 1 out of 13 775 6036d 20h 10m 48s
Solar Wind 4,137 1 out of 7 473 5486d 9h 34m 33s
Space Invaders 45,020 1 out of 9 810 5757d 22h 30m 44s
Space Rock:Gem Mode 147 1 out of 14 635 5502d 19h 51m 26s
SpeedPong 2,974 1 out of 18 785 5927d 1h 34m 12s
Spring String 92,800 1 out of 24 733 5484d 21h 17m 20s
Square Man 2 911 1 out of 7 498 5929d 2h 3m 4s
Squareman 2 2,364 1 out of 6 588 5712d 20h 42m 19s
Squareman 3 654 1 out of 5 430 5408d 4h 21m 11s
Squirrel Harvest 2,140 1 out of 9 1013 5919d 22h 20m 20s
Star Bash 2,970 1 out of 5 648 3881d 18h 52m 51s
Star Island 16,690 1 out of 8 652 5848d 23h 4m 57s
StarBores-Episode One 12,110 1 out of 5 519 5593d 20h 27m 8s
Street Shooter 1,735 1 out of 9 716 6031d 21h 31m 1s
Strikers 1945 312,830 1 out of 12 1280 6036d 19h 3m 55s
Stun attack 21 1 out of 9 581 5647d 2h 29m 20s
Super Bandit Bros 1,292 1 out of 8 550 5654d 2h 35m 17s
Super Diamonds 11,082 1 out of 8 693 5502d 19h 13m 31s
Super Doggy 22,070 1 out of 8 581 5488d 18h 39m 0s
Super Groovy Classic V32 127,045 1 out of 13 1545 5795d 19h 1m 15s
Super Jumper 3,210 1 out of 21 1243 5723d 4h 27m 22s
Super Mario Boat Bonanza 99 1 out of 9 487 6010d 18h 52m 44s
Super Mario Capeglide 1,039 1 out of 27 797 6017d 4h 13m 16s
Super Pang 99,350 1 out of 7 664 5964d 19h 41m 52s
Super Spider 10,100 1 out of 6 511 5361d 1h 13m 45s
Swingball 25,965 1 out of 14 836 6042d 1h 42m 31s
Switch Board 596 1 out of 6 611 6017d 2h 30m 22s
Swords And Sandals 2 64,609 1 out of 3 692 5888d 21h 4m 11s
Tabuto 1,606,730 1 out of 15 1102 6010d 7h 56m 50s
Tank 2007 1,969 1 out of 9 576 5850d 18h 56m 59s
Taz Tropical Havoc 108,300 1 out of 10 562 5624d 2h 51m 40s
Taz's Munch-N-Cruch 126,604 1 out of 6 2675 5786d 22h 15m 0s
Terrolympics 1 95 1 out of 8 722 5702d 7h 2m 9s
Terrolympics 3 2,750 1 out of 12 718 6035d 19h 58m 15s
Terrorlympics 3 Mr. Boombastic 1,920 1 out of 5 669 5411d 19h 45m 30s
Tetrollapes Lite 401,000 1 out of 18 734 6027d 51m 20s
The cave of death 1,204 1 out of 18 864 3880d 3h 17m 20s
The Crusher 3,025 1 out of 13 1036 5803d 21h 6m 23s
The Daring Dozen 490 1 out of 23 940 5915d 21h 6m 18s
Third Rock Rescue 6,590 1 out of 7 464 5536d 18h 23m 12s
This Game Sucks 294 1 out of 20 817 5843d 17h 21m 21s
This Sucks 238 1 out of 14 679 6031d 20h 20m 17s
Tiny Combat 221 1 out of 5 468 5848d 23h 43m 3s
Tiny Combat 2 658 1 out of 11 638 6010d 10h 41m 51s
Top Figures 49,000 1 out of 10 666 5789d 19h 16m 12s
Trash Bash 25,981 1 out of 7 686 5803d 21h 10m 27s
Tree Top Trouble 682,393 1 out of 7 455 5592d 18h 23m 14s
Uchuwars 141,080 1 out of 25 652 6031d 19h 25m 47s
UFO Defence 27 1 out of 7 617 5881d 19h 22m 16s
Ufo Joe 32,590 1 out of 9 689 5502d 22h 20m 49s
Voyager 60 1 out of 6 659 5825d 1h 33m 19s
Weapon Fire 73 1 out of 10 743 5927d 54m 54s
Weapons Dealer 690 1 out of 4 678 6017d 4h 8m 0s
Wild Evader 18,932 1 out of 8 1736 5530d 20h 21m 52s
Winter Skiing 510 1 out of 26 1696 6035d 10h 22m 43s
Worm Attack 3,850 1 out of 12 1433 5931d 1h 42m 31s
Wormhole Explorer 1,151 1 out of 9 437 5951d 3h 1m 2s
X Attack 37,000 1 out of 6 577 5498d 2h 50m 6s
Xmas Invaders 21,040 1 out of 12 724 5641d 2h 40m 57s
Zelda Collecting Pills 23,020 1 out of 9 535 5585d 18h 17m 9s
Zelda Invaders - Classic 111,460 1 out of 5 539 5737d 4h 10m 45s
Zombie Survival 16,130 1 out of 8 1273 5878d 18h 47m 19s
Player Details for gab
1st Place Finishes: 306
2nd Place Finishes: 343
3rd Place Finishes: 225
Top Ten Finishes: 515
Total Games In Arcade: 15,640
Total Games Played By gab: 1,589
Total Games Played: 14,657,036

Users Active in the Arcade (Total Users: 237, Record Total: 9437)
Active Users Members: 0 | Guests: 237 | Anonymous: 0 
 Guest Guest Guest Cobion.com Guest Cobion.com Cobion.com Guest Cobion.com Guest Guest Guest Cobion.com Guest Guest Guest Cobion.com Guest Guest Cobion.com Cobion.com Guest Cobion.com Cobion.com Guest Guest Cobion.com Guest Cobion.com Cobion.com Guest Guest Cobion.com Baidu.com Cobion.com Guest Guest Guest Cobion.com Guest Cobion.com Guest Cobion.com Cobion.com Guest Cobion.com Guest Cobion.com Cobion.com Guest Cobion.com Cobion.com Guest Cobion.com Cobion.com Crawler.de Guest Cobion.com Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Cobion.com Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Cobion.com Guest Cobion.com Guest Guest Cobion.com Crawler.de Guest Guest Guest Guest Cobion.com Guest Guest Guest Cobion.com Guest Guest Cobion.com Guest Cobion.com Guest Guest Cobion.com Guest Cobion.com Cobion.com Cobion.com Guest Cobion.com Cobion.com Cobion.com Guest Guest Cobion.com Guest Guest Guest Cobion.com Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Cobion.com Guest Guest Guest Guest Baidu.com Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Baidu.com Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Crawler.de Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Guest Crawler.de Guest

Arcade Statistics
Board Stats We have a total of 15,640 games in our Arcade
Our users have played a total of 34 games today
Our users have played a total of 14,722,312 games, for a total time of 8y 5m 1d 22h 10m 28s
Out of 15,640 total games, 4,959 games have been added to users favorites
482 members have favorites saved, with a total of 8,828 favorite games saved between them
Goldminer Vegas Full Version has been added to users favorites 48 times making it the top game based on favorites

- Lo-Fi Version Time is now: 12th December 2024 - 05:09 PM
YourForum - make yourself @ home | AllSigs - Signatures for all | Rock Band + Guitar Hero = RockHero ! | The Remoters - Remote Assistance | FileMiners - You ask, We find