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>  eXoDOS Vol. I: Adventure, Version 2.0
post Aug 10 2015, 12:32 AM
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Welcome to eXoDOS Version 2.0!

eXoDOS is my attempt to catalogue, obtain, and make playable every game developed for the DOS and PC Booter platform. I strive to find original media rather than using scene rips. This collection uses a combination of Dosbox and ScummVM to play these older titles on modern systems. All required emulators are included in the torrent and have been setup to run all included titles with no prior knowledge or experience required on the users part.

Version 2.0 adds a ton of new features to the collection. Several utilities, converters, and even a compressor have been added. Check the section on new features for the complete documentation of them.

MEAGRE now also features a unique GUI dubbed 'Nostalgia Mode.' Check the drop down menu to enable it. Full documentation can be found in Sec03.

This pack includes 1,030 DOS adventure games which combines the previously released 757 and 273 new additions! I have defined "adventure" as games which primarily rely on non action based puzzle-solving and story based games. This includes interactive fiction, traditional point & click, and interactive stories.

All games have been pre-setup and are immediately playable, no configuration required. A one time setup is required by the front end.

The games included were identified by scanning several adventure game archives, dos collections, and auditing well known game databases such as MobyGames.

I have chosen to split up the collection by genre. Overall eXoDOS is made up of 5 volumes. This first volume focuses on Adventure games, a personal favourite of mine.

This pack includes 1,030 DOS games which are in some form or another part of the Adventure Genre. This includes interactive fiction, point & click, puzzle-solving, item-use puzzles, and even some action/platformer titles which have an underlying adventure quality.

The games included were identified by scanning several adventure archives, as well as auditing well known game databases such as MobyGames.

All games have been pre-setup and are immediately playable, no configuration required. A one time setup is required by the front end.

Updates to 2.0:
Apart from new games and fixes, version 2.0 adds several new features. Within MEAGRE, one can now browse via "Nostalgia Mode", which allows one to browse the games from a graphical perspective (See Sec03 for documentation).

Prior to versions 2.0, any game supported by ScummVM was automatically launched by ScummVM. Version 2.0 allows the user to select which emulator they would like to run for games that are supported by both programs.

Another addition is the ability to install a game from the launch file. Previously when attempting to launch a game that had not been installed, the program would simply remind you the game had not been installed yet. Now it goes on to ask if you would like to install the game, negating the need to run the install file seperately.

In the Bonus directory you can find the following apps:

eXoCrunch - Compression software
DBGL 077b + Converter - Conversion software for use with Dosbox game Launcher

A list of all new games can be found in the games list.

Below you will find a list of all 1,030 games in this collection. However, before that I'd like to highlight the series included which defined the DOS Adventure era.

Highlighted Series
(In No Particular Order)

King's Quest series (The Sierra games)

Roberta & Ken Williams founded Sierra after creating the first graphic adventure game on the pc, Mystery House. Sierra's flagship launch title was King's Quest. They went on to develop 8 games in the series, 7 of which were made for DOS.

The first 4 games in the series use parsar commands while parts 5-7 were gui driven. The series is known for it's often humorous death sequences, and a few moments of frustrating pixel hunting.

Overall however, Roberta's combination of fairy tale mythos and adventuring has earned the King's Quest series a place in the adventure hall of fame.

Sierra put out many other great series such as Space Quest, Quest for Glory, Leisure Suit Larry, and arguably Police Quest. They also had some great one off titles such as Freddy Pharkas and later got heavily involved in FMV games with games spanning upwards of 8 cd's(!) with productions like Phantasmagoria.

Monkey Island series (The Lucas Arts games)

LucasArts was always known for their polish and humor, and none of their series capture this quite as well as the Monkey Island series. 4 Games were developed by LucasArts for this series, 3 of which were for DOS. The original Secret of Monkey Island was many gamer's first introduction to the world of adventure games, starring Guybrush Threepwood, a wannabe pirate who battles with insults and is known to sell a fine leather jacket or two along the way.

Great animation, razor sharp wit, and inventive puzzles make this games a must play.

Other DOS games not to be missed by LucasArts include Loom, Sam and Max, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Maniac Mansion, Day of the Tentacle, The Dig, Full Throttle, and Zak McKracken.

Alone in the Dark series

The original survival horror game. The Alone in the Dark series creates a creepy atmosphere which is as much from the music and environment as the awkward motions of your polygon hero. While the polygonal graphics may seem dated, the story (derived from Lovecraft) and hand drawn backgrounds are very memorable.

4 games were released for DOS in this series, with one of them designed towards children titled 'Jack in the Dark'.

The game can be frustrating as you will die many times as you figure out where the enemies will come from while grappling with the tank controls, but it is worth it to see Resident Evil's ancestor in action.

Zork series (the Infocom text adventures)

Zork helped popularize the text adventure with it's somewhat zany world of Frobozz. Many gamers of the era will immediately recognize the opening line of the original game, 'You are standing in front of a white house."

Infocom put out 7 games directly tied to the Zork mythos, with a second trilogy taking place in the Zork Universe (Enchanter, Sorcerer, & Spellbreaker).

Infocom went on to become king of the text adventures, often filling their game boxes with elaborate extras such as maps, news papers, and other tangibles that often held clues to the game.

Return to Zork and Zork Nemesis took the series in a more Myst-like direction, but retain the same odd style.

Discworld series

Terry Pratchett's Discworld series is notable for it's highly detailed graphics, great sense of humor, and unforgiving puzzles.

Rincewind, an inept wizard, is accompanied by a homicidal treasure chest. He is often followed by Death (who is just waiting around int he event he is needed) while dealing with assassin ninjas, orangutan librarians, and other odd characters I wouldn't want to spoil.

The game can be overly verbose at times, where you may feel like you are watching a movie rather than playing a game as the dialogue goes on and on, however the voice acting is top notch (Eric Idle portrays Rincewind).

Goblins series

The Goblins series was later bought and published by Sierra, but it didn't start with them and upon starting the game it is obvious that this is not your typical adventure game. Some might even say it is more of a puzzle game. What warrants it's inclusion on my short list however is the saturated graphics, detailed backgrounds, and astounding soundtracks. When the first Gobliiins was released, it was one of the first cd-rom games. Hearing the fire crackle and the grandfather clock gong while I tried to figure out a certain room made the game so much more immersive.

The series has some excruciatingly difficult puzzles, but the persistent gamer is rewarded with great humor and astounding art. Characters often break the 4th wall to gripe at the player if they lead them into precarious situations.

There are MANY more amazing games in this collection. These are just a few of my favorite series and companies.

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Full Games List:

11th Hour, The (1995)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1988)
221B Baker Street (1987)
3 Skulls of the Toltecs (1996)
3D Dinosaur Adventure (1988)
4K Adventure (1995)
7th Guest, The (1993)
905 (2000)
A Change in the Weather (1995)
A Day for Soft Food (1999)
A Dudley Dilemma (1988)
A Matter of Time (1995)
A Mind Forever Voyaging (1985)
A Night With Troi (1988)
A Quick Run Around the House (1991)
A-MIS Adventure (1993)
Abbey, The (1993)
Acheton (1978)
Ad Verbum (2000)
Advanced Xoru (1989)
Adventure (1987) (1987)
Adventure Book (2001)
Adventure Game Toolkit (1988)
Adventure in Humongous Cave (1993)
Adventure in Serenia (1982)
Adventure in the Magic Land (1989)
Adventure XT (2007)
Adventure! Enhanced (1990)
Adventure, The (1988) (1988)
Adventureland (1978)
Adventurer's Museum, The - Legacy of the Necromancer - Part I (1989)
Adventures of Alice who Went Through the Looking-Glass and Came Back Though Not Much Changed, The (1986)
Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension, The (1984)
Adventures of Down Under Dan, The (1995)
Adventures of Maddog Williams, The (1992)
Adventures of Melvin Freebush, The (1993)
Adventures of Robin Hood, The (1992)
Adventures of Willy Beamish, The (1991)
AdventureWriter (1983)
African Adventure (1984)
African Adventure Or In Search of Dr. Livingston (1997)
Airball (1987)
Aisle (1999)
Al Pond 1 - Al Lives Forever (2002)
Al Pond 2 - Island Quest (2007)
Al Pond on Holiday (2003)
Alice in Wonderland (1989)
Alien (1982)
Alien Incident (1996)
Alien Virus (1995)
Aliens - A Comic Book Adventure (1995)
Alone in the Dark (1992)
Alone in the Dark 2 (1993)
Alone in the Dark 3 (1994)
Alpine Encounter, The (1985)
Alter Ego (1986)
Altered Destiny (1990)
Amazon (1984)
Amazon - Guardians of Eden (1992)
Amazon Trail (1993)
Amnesia (1986)
Amulet, The (1985)
An American Tail - Fievel Goes West (1993)
Anchorhead (1998)
Angel Devoid (1996)
Animal (1997)
Another DG Game - I want my C64 back (2002)
Another Lifeless Planet and Me With No Beer (1991)
Apocalyptic Quest (2003)
Archibald Applebrook's Abenteuer (1995)
Are You Afraid of the Dark - The Tale of Orpheo's Curse (1994)
Ark of Time (1997)
Armaeth - The Lost Kingdom (1993)
Around the World in 80 Days (1994)
Art D's Batch Adventure (1993)
Arthur - The Quest for Excalibur (1989)
Arthur Yahtzee - The Curse of Hell's Cheesecake (2000)
Asian Challenge, The (1989)
Asterix - Operation Getafix (1989)
Asylum (1991)
Atlantis - The lost Tales (1997)
Atomia Akorny (1992)
Avenger of Rubicon (1990)
Avon (1989)
Awe-Chasm (1991)
Azrael's Tear (1996)
Bad-Bad (1986)
Bad_Machine (1998)
Bajoran Mercenary Adventure (1993)
Ballyhoo (1986)
Bargon Attack (1992)
BAT (1990)
BAT 2 - The Koshan Conspiracy (1992)
BAT 2 - The Koshan Conspiracy CD (1992)
Batman - The Caped Crusader (1988)
Batman Returns (1993)
Battle of Philip against the Forces of Creation, The (1989)
Battune - Crimefighter (1989)
Battune Becomes an Actor (1989)
Battune Goes on Safari (1989)
Battune Goes to the Museum (1989)
Battune in Wonderland (1989)
Battune Meets Sleeping Beauty (1989)
Battune the Sailor (1989)
Beasley's Deathtrap (1993)
Below the Root (1984)
Beneath a Steel Sky (1994)
Berlin 1948 (1989)
Betrayal at Krondor (1993)
Beverly Hillbillies, The (1993)
Beyond the Tesseract (1988)
Beyond the Titanic (1986)
Beyond Zork - The Coconut of Quendor (1987)
Big Red Adventure (1995)
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1990)
Bioforge (1995)
Black Cauldron, The (1986)
Black Orb, The (1989)
Black Sanctum, The (1984)
Black Sect (1993)
Blackstar - Agent of Justice (1995)
Blast off (2001)
Bloodnet (1993)
Bloody Life, A! (1998)
Blue Force (1993)
Blue Ice (1995)
Bluntman and Chronic P.C. version (2003)
Bones - The Game of the Haunted Mansion (1991)
Border Zone (1987)
Borderworld - Part I - The Arrival (1998)
Borrowed Time (1985)
Brainscape (1986)
Braminar (1987)
Breakers (1986)
Breath Pirates (1997)
Brimstone - The Dream of Gawain (1985)
Broken String, The - The Punk Adventure (1996)
Bud Tucker in Double Trouble (1996)
Bureau 13 (1995)
Bureaucracy (1987)
Cadaver (1990)
Cadaver - The Payoff (1991)
Calixto Island (1984)
Call of Cthulu - Shadow of the Comet (1993)
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon (1997)
Captain Bible in the Dome of Darkness (1994)
Captain Blood (1988)
Case of the Cautious Condor, The (1992)
Castaway (1986)
Castle Adventure (1984)
Castle Elsinore (1992)
Castle of Dr. Brain (1991)
Castle Of Mew (1991)
Castle Ralf (1987)
Caverns City (1989)
Caverns of Chaos (1992)
Caves Of Dyanty, The (1993)
Cercla- The Game (1993)
Chamber of the Sci-Fi Mutant Priestess (1989)
Chaos in Space! (2002)
Chesterland Adventure (1995)
Chewy - ESC from F5 (1997)
Chicks Dig Jerks (1999)
Child Murderer, The (1996)
Chimaera (2002)
Christian Text Adventure #1 (1986)
Christminster (1995)
Chronicles of Aarbron Trilogy, The (1997)
Chronicles of the Sword (1996)
Chronomaster (1995)
CIA Adventure (1982)
Circle of Blood (1996)
Circuit's Edge (1990)
Circus Quest (2010)
CITY 2000 (1993)
City of Lost Children, The (1997)
City of Madness (1989)
Cliff Diver, P.I. - Case 2 (1993)
Cliff Diver- Investigator For Hire (1991)
Clive Barker's Nightbreed - The Interactive Movie (1990)
Codename ICEMAN (1989)
Codex Arcana I, Gate Crystal (1994)
Colony, The (1988)
Colossal Cave Revisited (1993)
Colossal Cave- The First Adventure (1991)
Commander Blood (1994)
Companions of Xanth (1993)
COMPUTE!'s Guide to Adventure Games (1984)
Computer Novel Construction Set (1985)
Conquests of Camelot - The Search for the Grail (1990)
Conquests of the Longbow - The Legend of Robin Hood (1991)
Corruption (1988)
Cosmic Spacehead (1993)
Countdown (1990)
Countdown to Doom (1987)
Covert Action (1990)
Crack of Doom, The (1989)
cRIMe (1985)
Crime Adventure (1987)
Crime City (1992)
Crime Time (1990)
Cruise for a Corpse (1991)
Crusade (1992)
Crypt (1990)
Cuckoo's Nest (19xx)
Curse of Enchantia (1992)
Curses (1993)
Curt's Quest (2007)
Cutthroats (1984)
Cyberia (1994)
Cyberia 2 - Resurrection (1995)
Cyborg (1982)
D (1995)
D-Generation (1991)
D.R.E.D. Attack! (1989)
Daemon Quest- The First Saga- The Legend of the Door (1989)
Daemon Quest- The Second Saga- Into the Lion's Den (1989)
Daemon Quest- The Third Saga- The Road to the High Tsani (1990)
Dame Was Loaded, The (1996)
Dark Continent (1987)
Dark Convergence II, The (1994)
Dark Convergence, The (1993)
Dark Half, The (1992)
Dark Seed (1992)
Darkest Night, The - Part I (1996)
Daughters of Serpents (1992)
David Ahl's Basic Computer Adventures (1986)
Day of the Tentacle (1993)
Deadline (1982)
Deathgate (1994)
Deep Space Drifter (1990)
Deja Vu 1 - A Nightmare Comes True (1985)
Deja Vu 2 - Lost in Las Vegas (1988)
Demon's Forge (1987)
Demon's Maze (1988)
Demon's Orb I- The Quest For The Orb (1990)
Demon's Tomb - The Awakening (1989)
Demoniak (1990)
Denarius Avaricius Sextus (1992)
Detritus - The Daemon's Quest (1996)
Dezerian Assignment, The- Code Red Key (1993)
Dick Tracy - The Crime-Solving Adventure (1991)
Dinkum (1994)
Dinotopia (1995)
Discoverers, The (1994)
Discoveries of the Deep (1993)
Discworld (1995)
Discworld 2 - Missing Presumed (1996)
Dismal Passages (1995)
Dismal Passages - Part I- The Wicked Curse (1992)
Dive - The Conquest Of Silver Eye (1996)
Doppleganger (1985)
Doppy & Pru's Summer Holiday (1989)
Doppyworld (1984)
Down in the Dumps (1996)
Dr Dumont's Wild PART1 (1988)
Dr Dumont's Wild PART1 (1999)
Dr. Jummybummy's Space Adventure 2 (2010)
Dracula Unleashed (1993)
Dragon History (1995)
Dragon Lore - The Legend Begins (1994)
Dragon Lore II - The Heart of the Dragon Man (1996)
Dragon's Domain - Anniversary Edition (1993)
Dragon's Mandate (2007)
Dragonsphere (1994)
Dragonworld (1984)
Drascula - The Vampire Strikes Back (1996)
Dream Prisoner (1995)
Dream Zone (1988)
Dreamweb (1994)
Dreamweb CD (1994)
Drive-In (1982)
Dune (1992)
Dungeon (1990)
Dungeon Explorer- Dungeon of the Beast (1990)
Dungeon of Death (19xx)
Dungeon Thief (1991)
Dungeons of Dunjin, The (1991)
Dylan Dog - Through the Looking Glass (1992)
Eagle Eye Mysteries (1993)
Eagle Eye Mysteries in London (1994)
Earthly Delights (1984)
Earthrise (1990)
EcoQuest 1 - The Search for Cetus (1991)
EcoQuest 2 - Lost Secret of the Rainforest (1993)
Ecstatica (1994)
Ecstatica 2 (1996)
Eden Blues (1987)
Electrabot (1992)
Elf's Christmas Adventure, The (1992)
Elves '87 (1987)
Elvira - Mistress of the Dark (1990)
Elvira 2 - The Jaws of Cerberus (1991)
Emmanuelle (1989)
Empire of the Over-Mind (1986)
Enchantasy- Quest for the Eternal Grimoire (1993)
Enchanted Castle (2000)
Enchanter (1983)
Endgame (2004)
Engineering Jones and the Time Thieves of DSPea (1990)
Enhanced (1993)
Eric the Unready (1993)
Escape from Delirium (1996)
Escape From the Eli (1992)
Essex (1985)
Eternal Adventure, The (1995)
Eternam (1992)
Evidence - The Last Report (1996)
Evil Crypt (1992)
Executive Suite (1982)
Fable (1996)
Fahrenheit 451 (1984)
Fantastic Four (1986)
Fantasy (1988)
Fantasy Worlds of Tamrak, The (1993)
Farmer's Daughter, The (2002)
Fascination (1991)
Fast Lane (1989)
Fatty Bear's Birthday Surprise (1993)
Fellowship of the Ring, The - Part 1 (1986)
Fellowship of the Ring, The - Part 2 (1986)
Final Battle, The (1991)
Final Soul (1995)
Fish (1988)
Flash Traffic - City of Angels (1994)
Flight of the Amazon Queen (1995)
Flyaway (1989)
Fool's Errand, The (1987)
Forbidden Castle (1985)
Forbidden Quest (1983)
Four Symbols, The (1992)
Fourth Protocol, The (1985)
Framed (1995)
Frankenstein Adventure (1992)
Fred's Backyard (1991)
Freddy Pharkas Frontier Pharmacist (1993)
Free DC (1991)
Fuck Quest (1998)
Fuck Quest 2 - Romancing the Bone (2004)
FUE - A 3D Adventure (1988)
Full Throttle (1995)
Future Wars (1989)
Fyleet (1985)
Gabriel Knight 1 - Sins of the Father (1993)
Gabriel Knight 2 - The Beast Within (1995)
Galatea (2000)
Galleons of Glory (1990)
Game Builder (1993)
Game of Recovery, The (1993)
Gamescape (1993)
Gamma Force in a Pit of a Thousand Screams (1988)
Gateway (1992)
Gateway 2 - Homeworld (1993)
Geisha (1990)
Gene Machine, The (1996)
Geneva Adventure, The (1989)
Gerbil Riot of '67 (1988)
Ghost of the Fireflies (2007)
Ghost Town (1981)
Ghostbusters- Basic Training (1987)
Giantkiller (1987)
Giddy 3 - The Retro Eggsperience (2000)
Gnome Ranger (1987)
Gnome Ranger II - Ingrid's Back (1988)
Gobliiins 1 (1991)
Gobliins 2 (1992)
Goblins 3 (1993)
Gold Rush! (1988)
Golden Fleece, The (1989)
Golden Immortal (1991)
Golden Voyage (1981)
Golden Wombat of Destiny, The (1988)
Grailquest (1989)
Granny's Place (1983)
Great Archeological Race, The (1992)
Great Escape, The (1987)
Great Machine, The (2005)
Guardians of Infinity - To Save Kennedy (1988)
Guild of Theives (1987)
Gumboots Australia (1990)
Gymnasium Adventure (1987)
Hacker (1985)
Hacker 2 - The Doomsday Papers (1986)
Hampton Manor (1992)
Hank's Quest - Victim of Society (2002)
Hare Raising Havoc (1991)
Hariboy's Quest (1996)
Harvester (1996)
Haunted Mission Adventure (1987)
Heart of China (1991)
Heather's Easter Egg Hunt (1989)
Heavens Dawn (1995)
Hell - A Cyberpunk Thriller (1994)
Hermit's Secret, The (1982)
Hezarin (1981)
Hick Town (1990)
High Stakes by Dick Francis (1986)
Hippy's Quest (1990)
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The (1984)
Hobbit - The True Story (1993)
Hobbit, The (1983)
Hobbit, The - The True Story - Director's Cut (2001)
Hogbear (1989)
Hollywood Hijinx (1986)
Hollywood Murders, The (1997)
Holy Grail, The (1984)
Homey D Clown (1993)
Hong Kong Hustle 1997 (1991)
Hook (1992)
Horror 3.0 (1992)
Horror of Rylvania, The (1993)
Hot Rod Harry (1993)
Hound of Shadow, The (1989)
Hound of the Baskervilles (1993)
House at the Edge of Time, The (1990)
House, The (1994)
Hugo 2 - Whodunit (1991)
Hugo 3 - Jungle of Doom (1992)
Hugo's House of Horrors (1990)
Hulk, The (1984)
Humbug (1990)
Humbug Jim (1993)
Hunter's Law (1996)
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!! (1993)
HyperComix issue # 1 - Lance Stone- Trouble at the Woz (1993)
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (1995)
I Spy (2001)
I Spy II (2001)
I, Damiano - The Wizard of Partestrada (1985)
I-O - Jailbait on Interstate Zero (1997)
ICON - The Quest for the Ring (1984)
Igor - Objective Uikokahonia (1994)
Immortal, The (1991)
In Search of the Most Amazing Thing (1983)
In the Dead of Night (1995)
Inca (1992)
Inca II - Nations of Immortality (1993)
Indenture (1991)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (1992)
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade (1989)
Indiana Jones in Revenge of the Ancients (1987)
Infidel (1983)
Infiltration to IBM Headquarters (1987)
Inherit the Earth - Quest for the Orb (1994)
Inner Demons (1996)
Innocent Until Caught (1993)
Innocent Until Caught 2 - Presumed Guilty (1995)
Inspector Gadget (1992)
Intercept (1981)
Iron Lord (1990)
Island (1995)
Island of Dr. Brain (1992)
Island of Mystery Adventure (1987)
Isle of the Dead (1993)
It Came from the Desert (1990)
Iznogoud (1987)
Jacaranda Jim (1987)
Jack in the Dark (1993)
Jack Orlando (1997)
Jack the Ripper (1995)
James Bond 007 - A View to Kill (1985)
James Bond 007 - Goldfinger (1986)
James Bond 007 - The Stealth Affair (1990)
James Clavell's Shogun (1988)
Jesus of Nazareth (2005)
Jewels of Darkness (1986)
Jim Quest 1 - The Phantom Thesis (2007)
Jinxter (1988)
Jo Guest in the Milk Round (1994)
John's Fire Witch (1995)
Jonny Quest - Curse of the Mayan Warriors (1993)
Journey - The Quest Begins (1988)
Journey Into Xanth, A (1993)
Journey to the Center of the Earth (1988)
Jungle Quest (1984)
Keef the Thief (1989)
Keys of the Kingdom (1988)
KGB (1992)
KGB Conspiracy (1992)
King of Chicago, The (1986)
King's Quest I - Quest for the Crown (1984)
King's Quest I - Quest for the Crown (2001)
King's Quest I - Quest for the Crown VGA (1990)
King's Quest II - Romancing the Stones (2002)
King's Quest II - Romancing the Throne (1985)
King's Quest III - To Heir is Human (1986)
King's Quest IV - The Perils of Rosella (1988)
King's Quest V - Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder (1990)
King's Quest VI - Heir Today Gone Tomorrow (1992)
King's Quest VII - The Princeless Bride (1994)
Kingdom I - The Far Reaches (1995)
Kingdom II - Shadoan (1996)
Kingdom O'Magic (1996)
Kingdom of Hamil (1987)
Kingdom Without End (2001)
Kitadel (19xx)
Kithe #14 (1997)
Klass of '99 (1999)
Klaustrophobia (1994)
Klingon Role Playing Game (1993)
Knight Orc (1987)
Kobyashi Naru (1987)
Kquest (1988)
Kristal, The (1989)
Kronolog - The Nazi Paradox (1993)
L'Affaire (1986)
L'affaire Morlov (1995)
L.A. Law - The Computer Game (1992)
LA Crackdown (1988)
Labyrinth of Time (1993)
Lancelot (1988)
Landing Party (1989)
Lane Mastodon vs. the Blubbermen (1988)
Larry Vales - Traffic Division (2000)
Larry Vales 2 - Dead Girls are Easy (2001)
Last Days of Doom (1988)
Last Express, The (1997)
Last Half of Darkness (1989)
Last Half of Darkness II (1992)
Last Half of Darkness III (1993)
Laura Bow 1 - The Colonel's Bequest (1989)
Laura Bow 2 - The Dagger of Amon Ra (1992)
Leather Goddesses of Phobos (1986)
Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2 (1992)
Legacy - Realm of Terror (1993)
Legend of Djel (1987)
Legend of Kyrandia Book 1 (1992)
Legend of Kyrandia Book 2 - The Hand of Fate (1993)
Legend of Kyrandia Book 3 - Malcolm's Revenge (1994)
Legend of the Lost Jewel (2007)
Legend of the Sword (1988)
Leisure Suit Larry 1 - Land of the Lounge Lizards (1987)
Leisure Suit Larry 1 - Land of the Lounge Lizards VGA (1991)
Leisure Suit Larry 2 - Goes looking for Love in Several Wrong Places (1988)
Leisure Suit Larry 3 - Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals (1989)
Leisure Suit Larry 5 - Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work (1991)
Leisure Suit Larry 6 - Shape Up or Slip Out (1993)
Leisure Suit Larry 7 - Love for Sail (1996)
Les Manley in - Lost in LA (1991)
Les Manley in - Search for the King (1990)
Lighthouse - The Dark Being (1996)
Litil Divil (1993)
Little Big Adventure (1994)
LockerGnome Quest (2007)
LockerGnome Quest Redux (2012)
London (1993)
Lone Eagle - Colombian Encounter (1994)
Loom (1990)
Lord Avalot (1994)
Lords of Doom (1990)
Lost (1993)
Lost Crown of Queen Anne, The (1988)
Lost Dutchman Mine, The (1989)
Lost Dutchman's Gold (1982)
Lost Eden (1995)
Lost in Time (1993)
Love's Fiery Imbroglio (1988)
Lure of the Temptress (1992)
Lurking Horror, The (1987)
Mad Cow Man and Deep Fried Beef Fat Boy (1997)
Madam Fifi's Whorehouse II- The Next Day! (1989)
Maiden (1982)
Man Enough (1994)
Manhole Enhanced, The (1992)
Manhole, The (1988)
Manhunter 1 - New York (1988)
Manhunter 2 - San Francisco (1989)
Maniac Mansion (1987)
Maniac Mansion Enhanced (1988)
Mario's Time Machine (1993)
Marooned Again (1985)
Mars Saga (1988)
Martian Memorandum (1991)
Marvel Comics Spider-Man - The Sinister Six (1996)
Maupiti Island (1990)
McMurphy's Mansion (1984)
Mean Streets (1989)
Mel Odius goes Six String Searchin' (1992)
Melita Adventure I & II (1990)
Menace of Dr. Spoil Sport (1992)
Mercy (1997)
Metropolis (1987)
Mickey's Space Adventure (1986)
Microsoft Adventure (1981)
Mindfighter (1988)
Mindshadow (1984)
Mindwheel (1984)
Misadventure of the Holy Grail, The (1989)
Miser's House, The (1981)
Mission Critical (1995)
Mission Impossible (1979)
Mission Impossible (1991)
Mixed-Up Fairy Tales (1991)
Mixed-Up Mother Goose (1987)
Mixed-Up Mother Goose (1990)
Mixed-Up Mother Goose (1991)
Monkey Island 2 - LeChuck's Revenge (1991)
Monsoon (2005)
Monsters of Murdac (1987)
Moon Mountain Adventure (1987)
Moonmist (1986)
Mordred Manor (1991)
Mortville Manor (1988)
MTV's Club Dead (1994)
Multi-Dimensional Thief, The (1991)
Murder Club (1991)
Murder Cruise (1989)
Murder in the Marching Band (1989)
Murder in the Museum (19xx)
Murder Makes Strange Deadfellows (1991)
Murder on the Atlantic (1988)
Murder on the Zinderneuf (1984)
Murder on Violet Island (1991)
Murder! (1991)
Murders in Space (1990)
Murders in Venice (1989)
Mutant Invasion (1987)
Mysterious Adventure No. 1 - The Golden Baton (1981)
Mysterious Adventure No. 10 - Ten Little Indians (1983)
Mysterious Adventure No. 11 - Waxworks (1983)
Mysterious Adventure No. 2 - The Time Machine (1981)
Mysterious Adventure No. 3 - Arrow of Death Part 1 (1981)
Mysterious Adventure No. 4 - Arrow of Death Part 2 (1982)
Mysterious Adventure No. 5 - Escape from Pulsar 7 (1983)
Mysterious Adventure No. 6 - Circus (1982)
Mysterious Adventure No. 7 - Feasibility Experiment (1983)
Mysterious Adventure No. 8 - The Wizard of Akyrz (1983)
Mysterious Adventure No. 9 - Perseus and Andromeda (1983)
Mystery Fun House (1981)
Mystery Mansion (2001)
Mystery of the Mummy (1991)
Myth (1989)
MythMaster- A Vagabon's Adventure (1991)
Nebula (1986)
Nectar of the Gods (1987)
NeoHunter (1996)
Nephis Quest (1990)
NET Zone (1996)
Neuromancer (1988)
New Year's Mystery (2007)
Night of the Hermit (2001)
Night Trap (1994)
Nine Princes in Amber (1987)
Nippon Safes Inc (1992)
Nirvana (1989)
Noctis (2001)
Noctropolis (1994)
Nomon (1989)
Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It (1987)
Normality (1996)
Nuclear Sub Adventure (1987)
Omnicron Conspiracy (1989)
Once and Future (1998)
Once Upon a Forest (1995)
Once Upon a Time - Baba Yaga (1991)
Once Upon A Time - Little Red Riding Hood (1991)
Oo-Topos (1987)
Ooze - Creepy Nites (1989)
Orbital Observatory Adventure, The (1988)
Oregon Trail Deluxe, The (1992)
Oregon Trail, The (1990)
Original Adventure, The (1982)
Orion Burger (1996)
Orion Conspiracy, The (1995)
Palace Adventure (1987)
Pandora Directive, The (1996)
Pangea - Return to Planet Earth (1993)
Paranoia (1993)
Passengers on the Wind (1989)
Passengers on the Wind II (1987)
Paul's First Journey (1992)
Pawn, The (1986)
Pentari - First Light (2003)
Pepper's Adventures in Time (1993)
Perfect Assassin (1997)
Permanent Daylight (2001)
Perry Mason - The Case of the Mandarin Murder (1986)
Personal Nightmare (1989)
Phantasmagoria (1995)
Phantasmagoria 2 - A Puzzle of the Flesh (1996)
Phantom's Revenge, The (1982)
Philosopher's Quest (1982)
Photopia (1998)
Pick Up the Phone Booth and Die (1996)
Pilot, or, A Flight Into Fantasy, The (1989)
Pirate Adventure (1978)
Pirate Fry and Volcano Island (2001)
Pirate's Adventure (1992)
Pizza Quest I - Cruisin for a Bruisin (198x)
Plague - Maze of the Mind (1996)
Plague of the Moon (1994)
Plan 9 From Outer Space (1992)
Planet of Lust (1989)
Planet of the Robots (19xx)
Planetfall (1983)
Plundered Hearts (1987)
Police Quest 1 - In Pursuit of the Death Angel (1987)
Police Quest 1 - In Pursuit of the Death Angel VGA (1990)
Police Quest 2 - The Vengeance (1988)
Police Quest 3  - The Kindred (1991)
Police Quest 4 - Open Season (1993)
Police Quest SWAT (1995)
Pork 1 - The Great Underground Sewer System (1991)
Pork 2 - The Gizzard of Showbiz (1989)
Porno Adventure (1987)
Portal (1986)
President is Missing, The (1988)
Presumed Guilty (1989)
Prisoner of Ice (1995)
Protostar - War on the Frontier (1993)
Psychic Detective (1995)
Psycho (1988)
Psycho Killer (1993)
Puffwort's Evil Scheme (1995)
Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon (1993)
Putt-Putt Joins the Parade (1992)
Pyramid of Doom (1981)
Queen - The Eye (1998)
Quest for Glory 412 - So You Thought You Were A Hero (2001)
Quest for Glory I - So You Want to be a Hero (1989)
Quest for Glory I - So You Want to be a Hero VGA (1992)
Quest for Glory II - Trial by Fire (1990)
Quest for Glory III - Wages of War (1992)
Quest for Glory IV - Shadows of Darkness (1993)
Quest for the Time-Bird (1989)
Quest of Kukulcan (1987)
Quest of Yog (1989)
Quest ][ (1995)
Questmaster I - The Prism of Heheutotol (1989)
Quivering, The (1998)
R-Space I - Viktor's Escape (1991)
Racter (1984)
Raiders of the Star Temple (1989)
Rama (1996)
Rambo - First Blood Part II (1985)
Ranadin (1989)
Realms of the Haunting (1997)
Red Planet (1989)
Rendezvous with Rama (1984)
Repossessor, The (2001)
Return of the Dinosaurs (1988)
Return of the Phantom (1993)
Return to Doom (1988)
Return to Pirate's Island (1983)
Return to Ringworld (1994)
Return to Zork (1993)
Revenge of the Eland (1986)
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender (1992)
Riddle of Master Lu, The (1995)
Rimworld (1987)
Ringworld - Revenge of the Patriarch (1992)
Ripper (1996)
Rise of the Dragon (1990)
Roadwar 2000 (1987)
Roadwar Europe (1987)
Robomaze III (1991)
Robot Odyssey (1985)
robotfindskitten (1997)
Rocket Ranger (1988)
Rockstar (1989)
Romantic Blue (1994)
Romantic Encounters at the Dome (1988)
Rooms of the Abyss (1992)
Runaway (1994)
Runaway City (1998)
Runcibal Quest (1992)
Sam & Max Hit the Road (1993)
Sam Spade (1985)
Sam Spade Game, The (2008)
Sanctuary (1989)
Santa Fe Mysteries - Sacred Ground (1997)
Santa Fe Mysteries - The Elk Moon Murder (1996)
Savage Island Part 1 (1980)
Savage Island Part 2 (1981)
Scapeghost (1989)
Scoop, The (1989)
Scrooge (1991)
Sea Search (1984)
Seasons of Sakura (1997)
Seastalker (1984)
Secret Codes of C.Y.P.H.E.R. - Operation Wildlife, The (1991)
Secret Island of Dr. Quandary, The (1992)
Secret Mission (1996)
Secret of Monkey Island, The (1990)
Sentient (1997)
Serguei's Destiny (2001)
Sex Olympics (1990)
Sex Vixens From Space (1989)
Shade (2000)
Shadow Ape (2001)
ShadowCaster (1993)
Shadowforce (1994)
Shadowgate (1987)
Shadows of Mordor (1987)
Shannara (1995)
Shard of Inovar (1987)
Shenanigans (1984)
Sherlock Holmes - Another Bow (1985)
Sherlock Holmes - Consulting Detective Volume I (1991)
Sherlock Holmes - Consulting Detective Volume II (1992)
Sherlock Holmes - Consulting Detective Volume III (1993)
Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Rose Tattoo (1996)
Sherlock Holmes - The Case of the Serrated Scalpel (1992)
Sherlock Holmes - The Riddle of the Crown Jewels (1987)
Sherlock Holmes - The Vatican Cameos (1986)
Shogun (1986)
Shogun (1988)
Sign of the Sun (1997)
Silicon Dreams (1986)
Silver Cloud, The (1987)
Silverload (1995)
Simon the Sorcerer (1993)
Simon the Sorcerer II - The Lion, the Wizard and the Wardrobe (1995)
Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon (1988)
Sir Guy Gallant & The Deadly Warning (1993)
Sir Ramic Hobbs and the High Level Gorilla (1989)
Ski Adventure (1991)
Skullduggery- Adventures in Horror (1989)
Skyland's Star (1993)
Sleuth - A Murder Mystery (1983)
Snooper Troopers (1982)
Snooper Troopers Case 2 (1982)
Snoopy (1990)
Snow Queen, The (1993)
Softporn Adventure (1991)
Soltys (1995)
Son of Stagefright (1989)
SONGTAN- The Next Morning (1993)
Sorcerer (1984)
Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle (1984)
Soul Crystal (1992)
South American Trek (1986)
Soviet Union Strikes Again, The (2001)
Space Aliens Laughed at My Cardigan (1993)
Space Quest I - The Sarien Encounter (1986)
Space Quest I - The Sarien Encounter VGA (1991)
Space Quest II - Vohauls Revenge (1987)
Space Quest III - The Pirates of Pestulon (1989)
Space Quest IV - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers (1991)
Space Quest V - The Next Mutation (1993)
Space Quest VI - Roger Wilco in the Spinal Frontier (1995)
SpaceKids (1996)
Special Agent (1989)
Spectre Towers (1989)
Spellbreaker (1985)
Spellcasting 101 - Sorcerers Get All the Girls (1990)
Spellcasting 201 - The Sorcerers Appliance (1991)
Spellcasting 301 - Spring Break (1992)
Spelunker (1991)
Spiderman (1984)
Spirit of Excalibur (1990)
Spore (1991)
Spud (1996)
Spy Snatcher (1988)
Spycraft (1996)
Squynchia Adventure (1988)
Star Portal, The (1988)
Star Stryker (1994)
Star Trek - 25th Anniversary (1992)
Star Trek - First Contact (1988)
Star Trek - Judgement Rites (1993)
Star Trek - Judgement Rites CD (1993)
Star Trek - The Kobayashi Alternative (1985)
Star Trek - The Promethean Prophecy (1986)
Star Trek Deep Space 9 - Harbinger (1995)
Star Trek The Next Generation - A Final Unity (1995)
Star Trek The Next Generation - The Transinium Challenge (1989)
Star Trek- The Last Generation (1988)
StarBlade (1990)
Starcross (1982)
Starship Encounter (19xx)
Stationfall (1987)
Stephen King's - The Mist (1985)
Stoneville Manor (1984)
Strange Odyssey (1981)
Subway Slueth (1991)
Super Solvers Challenge of the Ancient Empires (1990)
Super Solvers Gizmos and Gadgets (1993)
Super Solvers Midnight Rescue (1989)
Super Solvers Operation Neptune (1990)
Super Solvers OutNumbered (1990)
Super Solvers Spellbound (1993)
Super Solvers Teasure MathStorm (1992)
Super Solvers Treasure Cove (1994)
Super Solvers Treasure Mountain (1990)
Superhero League of Hoboken (1994)
Supernova (1987)
Survival Adventure (1991)
Survival in New York City (1986)
Susan (1988)
Suspect (1984)
Suspended (1982)
Synnergist (1996)
T-Zero (1991)
Taking of Beverly Hills, The (1991)
Tales Of Magic (1992)
Tales Of Treasure (1992)
Talisman - Challenging the Sands of Time (1987)
Tanis (2008)
Tark Simmons, Priestess of the First Church, in her battle against the Demon of Dark Desire (1988)
Tass Times in Tonetown (1986)
TeenAgent (1995)
Tequila & Boom Boom (1995)
Teresa - House Guest (1993)
Terror in the Ice Caverns (1987)
The Adventures of Lance (1990)
The Black Cauldron - Point and Click (2010)
The Clue (1994)
The Count (1981)
The Dig (1995)
The Farm Nightmare (2007)
The Gem Scenario (2007)
The Lawnmower Man (1993)
The Legend of the Purple Tit (1994)
The Lumpies of Lotis IV (1986)
The Quest for the Cheat (2007)
The Thing (1988)
The Tracer Sanction (1984)
The Trials of Odysseus Kent (2002)
Theme Park Mystery (1990)
Thief's Adventure (1986)
Third Courier, The (1989)
Three Sister's Story (1999)
Time and Magik Trilogy (1983)
Time Gate - Knight's Chase (1995)
Time Paradox (1996)
Time Traveler (1989)
Timequest (1991)
Toho Academy (1993)
Tom & Jerry Cat-astrophe (1990)
Tomb of the Ancient Pharaohs, The (1992)
Tommy's Manor (1989)
Tonight The Shrieking Corpses Bleed (2004)
Toonstruck (1995)
Torin's Passage (1995)
Total Eclipse (1988)
Touche  - The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer (1995)
Town With No Name (1993)
Transylvania (1986)
Transylvania 2 - The Crimson Crown (1986)
Transylvania 3 - Vanquish the Night (1990)
Treasure Galaxy! (1994)
Treasure Island (1985)
Treasury of Zan (1989)
Trekboer (1985)
Trick or Treat (1994)
Trinity (1986)
Troll's Tale (1984)
Trouble at the Quatt Wunkery (1988)
Trust & Betrayal - The Legacy of Siboot (1987)
Twilight Zone (1988)
Twilight's Ransom (1988)
Twins (1995)
Twinsen's Odyssey (1997)
Udoiana Raunes (2000)
Udoiana Raunes 3 - In Search for Indiana Jones 4 (2003)
Ulysses and the Golden Fleece (1982)
Under a Killing Moon (1994)
Under The Ice (1987)
Underhill (1988)
Uninvited (1986)
Universe (1987)
Universe (1994)
Universe 2 (1989)
Universe 3 (1990)
Unnkulian Underworld- The Unknown Unventure (1993)
Usurper, The - The Mines Of Qyntarr (1989)
Vacation Gone Awry (2002)
Vampire's Castle Adventure (1988)
Vampiric Tower (2000)
Varicella (1999)
VariTale (1987)
Veil of Darkness (1993)
Vengeance of Excalibur (1991)
Venom (1987)
VENTURE (pci) (1993)
Versailles 1865 (1997)
Vida (1993)
Voodoo Castle (1981)
Voodoo Girl - Queen of the Darned (2003)
Voodoo Island (1985)
Vortex Factor, The (1985)
Voyeur (1994)
Voyeur 2 (1996)
WaxWorks (1992)
Waynes World (1993)
Ween - The Prophecy (1993)
Weird Dreams (1989)
Western (19xx)
Westfront Omega - The Amulet of Vega (2002)
Where in America's Past is Carmen Sandiego (1991)
Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego (1988)
Where in Space is Carmen Sandiego (1993)
Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego (1986)
Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego Deluxe (1994)
Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego Enhanced (1992)
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego (1985)
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego CD (1995)
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego Enhanced (1989)
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego (1989)
Where Time Stood Still (1987)
Wilderness - A Survival Adventure (1986)
Wind in the Willows (1993)
Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood (1985)
Wishbringer (1985)
Witness, The (1983)
Wizard of Oz (1985)
Wizard's Castle, The (1981)
Wizard's Castle, The (1994)
Wolfsbane (1995)
Wonderland (1990)
World (1988)
World's Hardest Adventure, The (1993)
WUZ (1989)
Xenomorph (1990)
Xtrek (1991)
Young Stuff (1993)
Yumemi (1995)
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (1988)
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders Enhanced (1988)
Zombi (1990)
Zombieville (1997)
Zork I - The Great Underground Empire (1980)
Zork II - The Wizard of Frobozz (1981)
Zork III - The Dungeon Master (1982)
Zork Nemesis (1996)
Zork Zero - The Revenge of Megaboz (1988)
ZorkQuest - Assault on Egreth Castle (1988)
ZorkQuest - The Crystal of Doom (1989)
Zyll (1984)

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The eXoDos collection can be run from any directory, as all launch files are designed to use relative paths to each other. The front-end however does require knowledge of what directory it is sitting in. Simply running the "Setup eXoDOS.bat" file will automatically setup eXoDOS to run from your current directory.

This file also decompresses the GamesADV.zip file, which contains all of the manuals, art, and game information for each title. This will take some time to decompress as it is approx. 1gb in size.

If you have other eXoDOS packs, the Setup eXoDOS.bat file will also decompress their front end assets. All volumes use the same setup file. It works with any combination of the packs.

Suggestions for those updating:
  • Point this torrent to the old directory and let it over write the old files. Doing this should start you around 88%
  • Delete the exodos\games\games\ directory and rerun the 'Setup eXoDOS.bat' file. This ensures old crap I removed doesn't linger.
  • It is safe to download this to the same folder as other exodos torrents, however you may have to disable a few shared files such as the meagre.ini file. I plan to fix this in the next release.

See the included documentation for more information.

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There are 5 volumes in total in the DOS collection.

Vol I: Adventure
Vol III: Strategy
Vol IV: Sim/Sports/Racing/Educational
Vol V: Action

Win3xO - A win 3.x games collection (ETA late 2014/early 2015)

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Standard Details for Loom

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Search by covers, screenshots, titles, or even media

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Edit your games directly from the front-end

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Games include manuals, quick reference cards, and any other scanned materials when available. Also, clicking on any of the information in the game header (designer, developer, publisher, year, etc...) will filter the list by that field. Like Zork 3? Click Mark Blank's name to find every other game he worked on!

New packs plug in, and work with the same filters. Adding the other collections enables genre sorting, and subgenre sorting across game types.

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post Aug 10 2015, 12:40 AM
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eXo has done an amazing job with these collections !!!

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post Oct 8 2016, 03:01 AM
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How can i to download these?
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post Dec 5 2016, 10:34 PM
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QUOTE(mush @ Oct 8 2016, 02:01 AM) *

How can i to download these?

It's on the Internet Archive:
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post Apr 26 2022, 10:21 AM
Post #5

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Guys, have you ever turned to psychics for help? I have never interacted with these specialists and I am wondering if anyone had a positive experience. Generally, I read a lot of information about the services of psychics on various sites, including here https://www.kasamba.com/psychic-reading/are-psychics-real/. I am no longer so skeptical about this.
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post Oct 4 2023, 03:55 AM
Post #6

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Thank you so much for your help, I am learning a lot at least. I for one have learned a lot from this.
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post Oct 4 2023, 03:56 AM
Post #7

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I had the pleasure of unlocking the secrets of psychics through an illuminating article I found on a website psychic readings . This captivating piece unravels the mysteries of individuals who can peer into the human mind, foresee future events, and establish connections with unseen dimensions. It sheds light on the historical evolution and ongoing scientific investigations into extrasensory perception.
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post Apr 1 2024, 10:52 AM
Post #8

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Basketball enthusiasts worldwide are constantly seeking ways to catch their favorite games live, witness thrilling moments, and stay updated with the latest scores and results. With the rise of online streaming platforms, accessing live basketball matches has never been easier.

Whether it's the NBA, EuroLeague, NCAA, or any other major basketball league, fans can now enjoy live streams of their favorite teams and players from the comfort of their homes or on the go. These streaming services offer a seamless viewing experience, providing high-quality broadcasts with expert commentary and analysis.

One of the most popular platforms for basketball live streaming is 365 Live Sport. Here, fans can access a wide range of basketball matches, including regular-season games, playoffs, and even international competitions. With just a few clicks, viewers can immerse themselves in the excitement of the game, cheering for their teams as if they were sitting courtside.

In addition to live streams, 365 Live Sport also provides comprehensive coverage of basketball matches, including real-time updates, results, and livescores. This allows fans to stay informed about the latest developments in their favorite leagues and follow the progress of their teams throughout the season.

Whether you're a die-hard basketball fan or just looking to catch a game every now and then, basketball live streaming offers a convenient and immersive way to experience the excitement of the sport. With platforms like 365 Live Sport, you can enjoy all the action, drama, and intensity of basketball right at your fingertips.

To start watching basketball live streams and stay updated with the latest matches, results, and livescores, visit link here today. Don't miss out on any of the action — tune in and witness the thrill of basketball like never before!
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