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KarinaB ( 18/01/25 11:29 pm ) KarinaB has just set a new score of 1,140 in Elite Commando - Hard   ·   KarinaB ( 18/01/25 10:43 pm ) KarinaB has just set a new score of 43,920 in Elf Solitaire   ·   KarinaB ( 17/01/25 08:56 pm ) KarinaB has just broken gab highscore of 6,482 in Extreme Farm with a new highscore of 9,574   ·   KarinaB ( 15/01/25 09:04 pm ) KarinaB has just broken Rddz70 highscore of 14,482 in Felix Lost In Time with a new highscore of 25,718   ·   KarinaB ( 15/01/25 01:02 am ) KarinaB has just set a new score of 12,900 in Final ninja   ·   KarinaB ( 14/01/25 01:57 am ) KarinaB has just broken Mr. Wonderful highscore of 3,476 in Puzzle - American Graffitti with a new highscore of 4,286   ·   KarinaB ( 13/01/25 11:49 pm ) KarinaB has just broken KarinaB highscore of 3,850 in Find The Difference Other 2 with a new highscore of 3,907   ·   KarinaB ( 13/01/25 11:48 pm ) KarinaB has just broken Mr. Wonderful highscore of 3,840 in Find The Difference Other 2 with a new highscore of 3,850   ·   KarinaB ( 13/01/25 11:07 pm ) KarinaB has just broken Mr. Wonderful highscore of 2,734 in Find The Difference Nature 3 with a new highscore of 4,304   ·   KarinaB ( 13/01/25 06:49 pm ) KarinaB has just broken KarinaB highscore of 235,640 in Fireworks Racing with a new highscore of 260,360

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Rankings for Lazarus-Rising
Times Played
High Score Age
3D Pacman white house edition 7,800 1 out of 12 830 5890d 4h 29m 25s
Boob-Cademy Boob-Wards 3,000 1 out of 4 632 5893d 1h 14m 34s
Bouncy Golden Globes 3,000 1 out of 6 703 5890d 14h 25m 2s
Critical Impact 2 32,100 1 out of 5 1227 5882d 7h 24m 8s
Deady 142 1 out of 7 618 5891d 5h 23s
Dojo Delivery Dash 218,750 1 out of 6 770 5868d 23h 36m 32s
Down Hilla 1,200 1 out of 6 710 5891d 4h 25m 34s
Drive To Park 6,800 1 out of 5 438 5577d 3h 14m 13s
Elf Banging Boobs 3,000 1 out of 5 941 5873d 14h 20m 27s
Escape 5,230 1 out of 6 651 5883d 13h 12m 56s
Fall Down 132,759 1 out of 47 893 5890d 2h 38m 29s
Falldown 2 - hard 250,649 1 out of 7 709 5890d 2h 53m 13s
Falldown 2 - med 2,444,025 1 out of 17 547 5890d 1h 55m 42s
Ice Racer 10,000,000 1 out of 1 516 5800d 1h 27m 33s
Knight Rider 7,000 1 out of 10 495 5481d 10h 10m 44s
Latina Boobs 3,000 1 out of 5 734 5869d 24m 16s
Madness Interactive 68 1 out of 5 704 5875d 2h 50m 45s
Moorhuhn Invasion 1,688 1 out of 15 891 5899d 3h 13m 52s
Moorhuhn Remake 1,590 1 out of 36 2739 5888d 10h 42m 15s
Night of the zombie kittens 29,536 1 out of 8 786 5876d 13h 5m 36s
Porn Star or Pop Star 6 500 1 out of 9 768 5884d 45m 56s
Safari Strip 1,350 1 out of 30 53476 5898d 7h 38m 6s
Shooting Range 29,250 1 out of 12 636 5837d 23h 14m 42s
Turkey Bowl 75,700 1 out of 9 838 5898d 13h 20m 50s
Underdog Meteor Dash 2,522 1 out of 6 725 5898d 14h 9m 11s
Virus 204,018 1 out of 17 1768 5891d 10h 39m 30s

Users Active in the Arcade (Total Users: 175, Record Total: 9437)
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Arcade Statistics
Board Stats We have a total of 15,640 games in our Arcade
Our users have played a total of 38 games today
Our users have played a total of 14,978,885 games, for a total time of 8y 5m 6d 11h 36m 31s
Out of 15,640 total games, 4,973 games have been added to users favorites
482 members have favorites saved, with a total of 8,848 favorite games saved between them
Goldminer Vegas Full Version has been added to users favorites 48 times making it the top game based on favorites

- Lo-Fi Version Time is now: 19th January 2025 - 01:31 AM
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