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KarinaB ( 18/01/25 11:29 pm ) KarinaB has just set a new score of 1,140 in Elite Commando - Hard   ·   KarinaB ( 18/01/25 10:43 pm ) KarinaB has just set a new score of 43,920 in Elf Solitaire   ·   KarinaB ( 17/01/25 08:56 pm ) KarinaB has just broken gab highscore of 6,482 in Extreme Farm with a new highscore of 9,574   ·   KarinaB ( 15/01/25 09:04 pm ) KarinaB has just broken Rddz70 highscore of 14,482 in Felix Lost In Time with a new highscore of 25,718   ·   KarinaB ( 15/01/25 01:02 am ) KarinaB has just set a new score of 12,900 in Final ninja   ·   KarinaB ( 14/01/25 01:57 am ) KarinaB has just broken Mr. Wonderful highscore of 3,476 in Puzzle - American Graffitti with a new highscore of 4,286   ·   KarinaB ( 13/01/25 11:49 pm ) KarinaB has just broken KarinaB highscore of 3,850 in Find The Difference Other 2 with a new highscore of 3,907   ·   KarinaB ( 13/01/25 11:48 pm ) KarinaB has just broken Mr. Wonderful highscore of 3,840 in Find The Difference Other 2 with a new highscore of 3,850   ·   KarinaB ( 13/01/25 11:07 pm ) KarinaB has just broken Mr. Wonderful highscore of 2,734 in Find The Difference Nature 3 with a new highscore of 4,304   ·   KarinaB ( 13/01/25 06:49 pm ) KarinaB has just broken KarinaB highscore of 235,640 in Fireworks Racing with a new highscore of 260,360

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Rankings for SuperDupper
Times Played
High Score Age
12 Swap 6,910 1 out of 5 765 2146d 11h 57m 0s
25 Boxes 186,094 1 out of 7 573 3270d 21h 23m 18s
2D Shootout 250 1 out of 9 527 1983d 7h 21m 3s
360 Supreme Catcher 81,725 1 out of 9 604 1983d 7h 14m 58s
3D Frogger 12,990 1 out of 7 836 2534d 4h 23m 44s
3D Pool 630 1 out of 21 1026 2853d 6h 24m 47s
3D Racing - Track 1 3,196,418 1 out of 7 861 3246d 6h 25m 32s
3D Racing - Track 2 3,287,035 1 out of 6 887 2146d 11h 50m 1s
3D Racing - Track 3 3,209,465 1 out of 4 1060 1983d 7h 6m 37s
3D Tunnel 2,748 1 out of 32 1914 3270d 21h 16m 30s
4 Wheel Madness 5,658 1 out of 8 869 1983d 6h 58m 12s
A Day Of Slacking 37,300 1 out of 12 581 1983d 6h 52m 11s
A.o.t.e.f. 14,800 1 out of 8 434 1983d 6h 48m 54s
Abominaball Snow Maze 2,257 1 out of 5 613 3246d 6h 0s
Accordion Hero 10,695 1 out of 6 788 3171d 12h 45m 56s
Action Fish 6,840 1 out of 22 1134 6052d 3h 57m 22s
Action Fish 8,160 1 out of 5 353 3246d 5h 55m 57s
Akita Kanto Festival 18,900 1 out of 10 571 3270d 21h 12m 8s
Alex In Danger 21,400 1 out of 7 459 1983d 6h 32m 25s
Anti Aircraft Gun 5,740 1 out of 5 696 6044d 16h 1m 57s
Astroid Belt 21,280 1 out of 32 1303 3270d 21h 4m 26s
Auto Bahn v32 19,903 1 out of 7 359 3270d 21h 2m 24s
Autobahn 25,460 1 out of 274 20573 3164d 8h 19m 32s
Avalanche 484 1 out of 9 873 5651d 12h 34m 37s
Avoid Dots 160 1 out of 5 1020 3270d 20h 58m 12s
Avoider 4,653 1 out of 4 5643 3246d 5h 41m 33s
Balloon Maze 561,710 1 out of 8 492 3246d 5h 33m 36s
Base Defender 6,680 1 out of 20 1760 2146d 12h 11m 36s
Bashing Pumpkins 443 1 out of 12 756 5835d 4h 52m 40s
BattleShip 1 229 1 out of 4 523 3246d 5h 28m 52s
Beetle Buggin`: Novice 2,336 1 out of 2 434 3246d 5h 26m 21s
Ben10 Race In Istanbul 222,974 1 out of 2 571 3246d 5h 22m 3s
Biff n Baff 969,831 1 out of 10 1114 2854d 20m 26s
Block Dodge 4,570 1 out of 12 858 5894d 9h 29m 17s
Blockbuster Boobies 3,000 1 out of 5 658 6050d 15h 39m 15s
Blox 7,184 1 out of 64 19916 3157d 5h 16m 25s
Bomb Disposal! 37,313 1 out of 4 758 3221d 3h 7m 28s
Bombay Taxi 20,180 1 out of 21 980 3246d 5h 13m 23s
Bombay Taxi 14,860 1 out of 7 988 3246d 5h 9m 52s
Booa Jumper 179,880.15 1 out of 18 1402 5944d 10h 19m 40s
Bound Bear 6,300 1 out of 6 526 5763d 4h 59m 3s
Box Dodge Fury 573 1 out of 11 547 3270d 20h 45m 38s
Box Dodge Fury 719 1 out of 12 526 2534d 4h 15m 53s
Box-Baby Runner 273 1 out of 5 620 3270d 20h 40m 48s
Braidy 332,840 1 out of 13 1935 6062d 3h 25m 45s
Breakout 127,250 1 out of 59 23254 6083d 17h 27m 11s
Brekky Racers 65,292 1 out of 5 489 3270d 20h 37m 47s
Bricks Of Egypt 2 51,562 1 out of 11 772 6047d 13h 20m 57s
Bryx 142,270 1 out of 9 763 2534d 4h 6m 12s
Buck Ride 7,017 1 out of 5 595 3270d 20h 35m 50s
Bukkeritt 6,441 1 out of 7 2306 3270d 20h 34m 29s
BullRiding Explosive 80 1 out of 14 742 5744d 7h 55m 31s
Bunny Rush 100 1 out of 28 891 5797d 4h 34m 22s
Candy Drops 2,617 1 out of 13 879 5744d 6h 9m 12s
Canyon Glider 2 13,283 1 out of 12 707 3242d 9h 28m 57s
Captain Brady 104,100 1 out of 8 1310 6037d 2h 49m 19s
Capture The Flag 1,760 1 out of 12 751 5508d 4h 49m 42s
Car 395 1 out of 45 1440 3270d 20h 26m 50s
Cave of Despair 3,530 1 out of 12 643 5744d 6h 19m 44s
Chevy Cobalt - Track Challenge 4,439 1 out of 7 964 2534d 4h 3m 46s
Chicken Little Bus 13,055 1 out of 7 813 6017d 7h 7m 0s
Chinese Checkers 32 1 out of 12 706 5854d 10h 40m 47s
Chuck Abner 448,730 1 out of 13 791 5897d 4h 37m 7s
Clay Kitten Shooting II 275 1 out of 13 796 6084d 7h 44m 17s
Coat of Arms Test 161 1 out of 14 1271 5527d 4h 48m 11s
Code Breaker 3 261,700 1 out of 23 1042 6083d 12h 29m 10s
Colinks: Shift 166 1 out of 18 745 6049d 11h 56m 55s
Color Fuge 12 1 out of 6 834 3146d 5h 6m 23s
Color Switch 1,250 1 out of 8 1090 6022d 8h 30m 25s
Colourpod 4,469 1 out of 10 1206 1950d 8h 47m 1s
Congestion Chaos 8,884 1 out of 15 1342 3175d 13h 5m 57s
Control 26,945 1 out of 7 901 3177d 15m 31s
Count The Cubes 53,396 1 out of 4 332 3237d 22h 10m 28s
Count Your Marbles 43,278 1 out of 7 2620 3237d 22h 9m 38s
Crazy Ambulance 67,374 1 out of 6 356 3270d 10h 25m 13s
Crazy Closet 175 1 out of 34 768 2855d 8h 16m 37s
Crazy Jeep 72,291 1 out of 3 1000 3270d 10h 19m 30s
Crazy Koala 1,109 1 out of 14 861 2855d 5h 56m 31s
Defence The Game 19,042,097 1 out of 18 864 6025d 6h 20m 16s
Dementor Shoot 165 1 out of 22 843 5699d 14h 54m 13s
DemonicTouch & Go 455 1 out of 6 1024 5770d 15h 39m 30s
Desi Auto 127,247 1 out of 8 768 3243d 4h 59m 3s
Distraction 103,017 1 out of 22 674 6052d 3h 4m 22s
Dodge 240 1 out of 18 803 5744d 6h 49m 5s
Doeo Easy 44,690 1 out of 4 441 3171d 14h 33m 22s
Doggy Drag 200 1 out of 15 655 6017d 16h 17m 1s
Dots 160 1 out of 23 1230 5910d 5h 35m 10s
Dr. Mario Vitamin Toss 25 1 out of 33 1189 5744d 7h 18m 14s
Dream Catcher 928,405 1 out of 13 931 3243d 4h 44m 56s
Dream Catcher 1,458,160 1 out of 5 420 3243d 4h 40m 22s
Drivers Ed Direct 3,915 1 out of 13 712 3215d 3h 54m 30s
Drivers Ed Direct 3,640 1 out of 7 691 3270d 20h 13m 31s
DTunnel 3D 3,619 1 out of 15 706 2855d 6h 9m 54s
Dwarves Escape 15,670 1 out of 8 1128 3171d 14h 26m 56s
Dyno 19 1 out of 10 642 5512d 13h 24m 4s
Elements 18,472 1 out of 25 677 6057d 8h 12m 59s
Emergency 480 1 out of 31 909 2856d 40m 1s
Evasion 2 5,981 1 out of 5 981 5979d 10h 51m 47s
Evil Care Bears 14,065 1 out of 26 690 3910d 9h 58m 32s
FlashZooids 24 1 out of 9 490 2853d 9h 6m 52s
Fly Away 27,108 1 out of 4 320 2213d 9h 36m 2s
Fly Catcher 435 1 out of 10 898 2853d 9h 9m 8s
FlyCatcher 410 1 out of 5 429 2853d 9h 18m 51s
Flying Fish 161,140 1 out of 14 1166 2853d 9h 13m 46s
Freaky Football 2,118 1 out of 40 2052 2856d 35m 29s
Fred Claus 5,065 1 out of 4 783 3242d 9h 21m 38s
Friends Chase 9,860 1 out of 6 755 6052d 5h 14m 51s
Frog It 2 6,880 1 out of 5 610 3171d 2h 18m 56s
Gandy's Quest 4,632 1 out of 8 852 3171d 13h 10m 1s
Go Green Go 78,257 1 out of 4 261 2854d 6h 43m 12s
Go Squirrel 276,550 1 out of 11 532 5832d 6h 47m 56s
Grand Theft Auto v32 47 1 out of 5 472 3171d 11h 11m 45s
GrandPrix 32.95 1 out of 8 602 4970d 3h 13m 48s
Gravity 7 1 out of 16 681 5919d 6h 50m 48s
Gun Man 985 1 out of 6 605 5911d 3h 49m 39s
Gun Run 13,326 1 out of 8 517 6031d 19h 51m 14s
Gyroball 359 1 out of 12 856 2853d 6h 12m 39s
HangOver 42,843 1 out of 36 1000 2856d 4h 6m 45s
Happy Pill 351 1 out of 49 1145 2856d 4h 17m 46s
Harvest day 200 1 out of 10 660 5913d 5h 36m 39s
Head Defence 11,859 1 out of 8 819 3242d 22h 24m 41s
Heap Heap 2,225 1 out of 3 511 3270d 10h 7m 6s
Higher and higher 475 1 out of 15 946 3910d 12h 42m 26s
Higher and Higher 665 1 out of 4 1010 3910d 12h 40m 50s
Hit Bu 6,874 1 out of 8 772 3242d 21h 40m 11s
Holiday Hooters 3,000 1 out of 7 530 6041d 12h 25m 52s
Home in on a price 82,100 1 out of 5 498 3172d 2h 24m 55s
Homerun 196 1 out of 6 1843 3172d 2h 23m 1s
Hoptop 300 1 out of 12 572 2853d 6h 21m 49s
Hornets Nest 22,100 1 out of 14 1017 5605d 7h 10m 25s
Hostel Part Boobs 3,000 1 out of 6 1210 6017d 16h 21m 39s
HotRod Racing 52 1 out of 33 1782 5797d 4h 59m 0s
Hovercraft Racing 1,514.422 1 out of 16 730 6034d 12h 19m 26s
Hungry Hippaul 129 1 out of 9 561 6049d 7h 44m 44s
Hungry Piranha 3,476 1 out of 11 712 6002d 10h 43m 51s
Ice Breaker 4,500 1 out of 30 1140 5649d 3h 11m 35s
Ice Smash 2,568 1 out of 3 338 3172d 2h 4m 42s
Indiana Jones In Odd-World 213 1 out of 29 983 2855d 8h 41m 23s
Innaros 33,566 1 out of 7 482 6075d 13h 43m 28s
Inner Defense 71,285 1 out of 2 680 6062d 17h 9m 50s
Jacked Up 1,017 1 out of 9 635 6023d 5h 9m 28s
James the Christmas Zebra 2,900 1 out of 12 610 5558d 3h 39m 13s
jamesthe Christmas Zebra 3,500 1 out of 4 887 2853d 6h 15m 20s
Jewels From Hell 960 1 out of 24 925 6016d 5h 50m 5s
Jimmy The Fin 4,013 1 out of 10 1930 3172d 1h 28m 59s
Joe Barbarian 140 1 out of 2 232 2854d 6h 38m 18s
Jump Ball 18,082 1 out of 10 1100 2856d 1h 18m 16s
Jump N Grind Slalom Hard 89,261 1 out of 5 2348 3172d 1h 15m 27s
Jump N Grind Slalom Medium 144,033 1 out of 3 609 3172d 1h 17m 44s
JumpCat 45,701 1 out of 7 881 3172d 1h 12m 40s
K Tire Racing 925,849 1 out of 5 794 3270d 10h 4m 26s
Kicker Koenig 151 1 out of 16 1010 5744d 7h 7m 53s
Kickin The Balls 3,682 1 out of 10 709 3172d 52m 54s
Kid Fishing 326 1 out of 9 459 3243d 5h 37m 42s
Koala Lander 7,707 1 out of 16 693 2856d 31m 20s
Letter Doolhof 4,158 1 out of 27 805 2855d 6h 15m 16s
Lifes a Beach 10,039 1 out of 7 486 5651d 16h 44m 51s
Little Fat Ninja 1,505 1 out of 6 752 5853d 9h 25m 13s
Lizzie McGuire Turbo Racer 339,625 1 out of 16 2558 6059d 3h 34m 31s
Looney Tunes Mahjong 9,332 1 out of 23 1098 3246d 5h 17s
Lost Treasure 29,530 1 out of 10 668 6075d 17h 50m 22s
Lotads Lament 4,204 1 out of 19 746 2855d 8h 45m 7s
LOTR: The Hidden Ring 477 1 out of 15 2692 3171d 12h 29m 18s
Love Stunts 72,830 1 out of 4 1109 5469d 6h 30m 34s
Lunar Mouse House 9,648 1 out of 19 722 2856d 1h 36m 59s
Maeda Path 8,530 1 out of 14 714 3172d 11h 57m 50s
Magic Touch 2,730 1 out of 6 565 3172d 11h 54m 31s
Magneto 9,159 1 out of 9 1016 3172d 8h 34m 5s
Marine Bomb 8,562 1 out of 13 701 3172d 11h 44m 45s
Mario Overrun 490 1 out of 18 712 6047d 12h 59m 56s
Master Fisher 2,200 1 out of 7 536 3172d 11h 37m 32s
Mega Bounce 1,067 1 out of 4 419 3172d 11h 33m 2s
Megaman PX Time Trial - Level 2 N/A 1 out of 4 874 1848d 23h 25m 18s
Megaman PX Time Trial - Level 4 N/A 1 out of 1 677 6058d 4h 47m 53s
Meow 15,440 1 out of 39 1173 3910d 10h 18m 7s
Mercedes Drift 1,131.667 1 out of 4 467 3835d 9h 36m 0s
Merlin's Christmas 2 1,032 1 out of 7 342 3172d 11h 30m 13s
Michu 836,320 1 out of 16 1011 2856d 4h 20m 27s
Mini Breakout 258 1 out of 36 1018 6061d 11h 6m 5s
Mmeoww 17,355 1 out of 6 581 3270d 10h 1m 15s
Monster Stack 2 200 1 out of 13 695 5812d 2h 54m 52s
Moon Lander 8,200 1 out of 73 24742 1475d 7h 41m 1s
Motor Running 237 1 out of 5 366 3172d 40m 56s
Mouse Maniac 138 1 out of 5 288 2854d 8h 29m 38s
Mouse Race 2,013 1 out of 25 1534 5744d 8h 23m 31s
Movin in the Matrix 3,444 1 out of 5 559 2856d 1h 16m 39s
Mower Move 152 1 out of 6 438 2854d 8h 22m 56s
Mucus madness 1,020 1 out of 7 665 5910d 6h 14m 6s
N-Orbit 52,776 1 out of 6 610 3270d 9h 57m 33s
Night Mission 2,670 1 out of 13 1098 6032d 4h 36m 5s
Odd One Out 2,550 1 out of 21 808 3270d 20h 4m 33s
Oorbit 31,110 1 out of 19 791 6075d 9h 45m 9s
Oppdrag Asgard 4,390 1 out of 6 601 6062d 9h 13m 40s
Paint Ball 90 1 out of 33 825 6004d 3h 56m 49s
Paint Ball 720 1 out of 16 707 6026d 12h 31m 51s
Pang tang 14,584 1 out of 14 641 6069d 12h 32m 36s
Pedro Fly Catcher 81 1 out of 4 2434 2855d 9h 44m 7s
Pick Up Sticks 3D - Rookie 22,944 1 out of 6 444 3003d 7h 20m 31s
Piggy Bank 472 1 out of 9 1194 6047d 10h 15m 5s
Pole Position 13.172 1 out of 13 741 3910d 12h 38m 21s
Poopshoot 436,385 1 out of 44 18784 2856d 4h 47m 21s
Power Driver 2.0 Replay 415.9 1 out of 8 467 3225d 9h 56m 37s
Pumpkin Toss 1,650 1 out of 8 1217 6029d 3h 48m 35s
Reel Mess 1,734 1 out of 7 2219 3169d 4h 47m 37s
Revolutionary Girl Utena - Bug Hunt 860 1 out of 9 1138 6021d 15h 43m 3s
RingsS 2,805,060 1 out of 23 868 6037d 13h 25m 6s
Run Em Down 25 1 out of 10 663 3245d 1h 23m 55s
Run Em Down 27 1 out of 15 855 3236d 10h 2m 27s
Run Soldier Run 12,378 1 out of 7 566 2533d 5h 23m 36s
RV Cart Dart 18,860 1 out of 7 1509 6035d 3h 46m 49s
SAM Site 29 1 out of 8 1365 6004d 10h 2m 42s
Save The Ring 917 1 out of 21 783 6073d 11h 42m 34s
Saving Niimo 23,115 1 out of 5 593 6073d 4h 47m 9s
Scope Assault 52 1 out of 16 1164 5342d 12h 15m 1s
Scribbles 75.26 1 out of 9 781 6036d 6h 44m 40s
Sea Jewels Hooks Gold 1,355,490 1 out of 14 808 6049d 5h 2m 51s
Sheep Racer 1,160.5 1 out of 25 1237 3910d 12h 36m 39s
Sheep Racer 1,155 1 out of 5 577 5336d 4h 32m 48s
Shoot Osama 50 1 out of 8 1335 5631d 5h 2m 52s
Shoot the devil 3,570 1 out of 13 951 6078d 6h 18m 21s
Sky Jumper 164,314 1 out of 6 399 2533d 5h 27m 47s
Slap A Dick 103 1 out of 10 968 5774d 8h 43m 10s
Slidings 116.38 1 out of 9 789 3242d 22h 6m 2s
Snow Throw Hard 7,241 1 out of 10 747 5573d 4h 54m 51s
Snow Throw Very hard 5,307 1 out of 8 649 5515d 14h 8m 29s
Sonic Rival Dash 2,760 1 out of 14 828 3096d 9h 31m 24s
Soul Master 2,688 1 out of 11 682 1981d 12h 19m 3s
Space Ace 552,550 1 out of 12 834 6078d 11h 50m 56s
Space Rider 150,300 1 out of 18 742 6079d 10h 19m 22s
Speed Mania 30,600 1 out of 13 964 6034d 15h 40m 51s
Spider Attack 126 1 out of 31 880 3091d 8h 31m 26s
Sponge And Leroy 66 1 out of 4 555 6035d 4h 45m 3s
Squish 929 1 out of 19 779 3224d 4h 22m 19s
Stack Trace 11,311 1 out of 32 916 2855d 9h 47s
Star Bound 14,349,471 1 out of 7 713 3171d 2h 13m 23s
Star Trails 780,456 1 out of 3 455 3171d 2h 10m 48s
Starman 7,602 1 out of 4 537 3242d 7h 55m 53s
Stickicide 2 12,450 1 out of 9 725 3910d 12h 33m 1s
Stickicide 2 11,920 1 out of 8 573 5972d 11h 7m 9s
Stickicide Deluxe 23 1 out of 3 575 3171d 2h 6m 25s
Stone Crusher 2,176 1 out of 12 873 3910d 12h 25m 0s
Street Hooligans 3,830 1 out of 6 2218 6064d 7h 32m 46s
Super Groovy Arcade V32 201,865 1 out of 19 2396 2856d 1h 23m 3s
Super Mario Brothers 2 30 1 out of 227 4136 2854d 7h 2m 33s
Swimsuit Boobs 3,000 1 out of 7 912 6010d 16h 13m 30s
Tank Master 32,500 1 out of 21 923 6070d 4h 55m 55s
Teleboobies 3,000 1 out of 5 2104 6033d 14h 5m 37s
Terror At 88 MPH 84 1 out of 6 1087 1983d 7h 28m 52s
The Donut Shop 256 1 out of 25 1256 5813d 6h 21m 30s
The Floks 13 1 out of 25 836 5744d 7h 52m 57s
The Scorpion Puzzler 8,228 1 out of 22 999 2855d 9h 23m 12s
The Stupid Celebrity Quote Game 2 1,000 1 out of 6 745 6058d 4h 37m 23s
This Game Sucks 66 1 out of 32 1072 6015d 8h 56m 29s
Tobby 713,124 1 out of 15 793 3171d 12h 53m 56s
Tube Race 205 1 out of 38 964 2855d 9h 3m 41s
Twang Game 5,305 1 out of 12 939 5983d 15h 41m 34s
Twice as Bounce 108 1 out of 6 660 2854d 7h 16m 16s
Until The Stroke Of Midnight 407 1 out of 11 651 2854d 7h 23m 19s
Up The Platform 5,623 1 out of 16 1766 2855d 9h 16m 46s
Up The Platform 6,097 1 out of 6 810 3175d 8h 10m 54s
Van Jellies 1,309 1 out of 6 1208 3242d 9h 13m 29s
Van TT 5,970,912 1 out of 10 701 5771d 6h 42m 6s
VBulletins Dream 1,390 1 out of 7 652 5405d 15h 58m 46s
Vegas Invader 750 1 out of 10 799 2854d 7h 25m 16s
Vogelgrippe 58 1 out of 15 732 5950d 15h 37m 22s
What the Truck 783,300 1 out of 5 987 3173d 3h 29m 27s
Which one is? 4,980 1 out of 6 989 3173d 3h 36m 25s
Whose Celebrity Butt? 1,000 1 out of 6 640 5973d 12h 1m 42s
Whose Tattoo 1,000 1 out of 7 1435 5973d 12h 5m 51s
Wiggi Woods 99 1 out of 13 659 5947d 11h 14m 33s
Winter Rider v32 3,282 1 out of 5 973 2533d 5h 37m 39s
Winter Stars 129,890 1 out of 5 352 3173d 3h 41m 18s
WipeOut 62,580 1 out of 11 799 2854d 7h 30m 48s
Witch Game 260 1 out of 4 817 5462d 12h 47m 25s
Worm Hole 1,348 1 out of 17 817 5894d 12h 53m 10s
X Training 45.916 1 out of 15 617 3173d 3h 49m 4s
X-Bound 5,670 1 out of 15 1268 6032d 6h 20m 38s
Xlight 8,590 1 out of 12 961 3241d 34m 34s
Xmas Shooting Gallery 4,071 1 out of 10 534 1475d 6h 48m 49s
Xtreme Cliffdiving 243 1 out of 15 646 6057d 17h 10m 33s
Xtreme Climber 32 1 out of 14 812 2854d 7h 36m 36s
Yahoo Tennis 7,400 1 out of 4 664 3173d 3h 54m 39s
Yeti Longshot: Ridiculous Longshot 13,102.9 1 out of 10 799 6029d 9h 24m 55s
Yeti Sports 7 5,284 1 out of 7 1594 1475d 6h 55m 11s
YetiSports 8 - Jungle Swing 361 1 out of 6 510 1475d 6h 53m 23s
Zelda Mini Game - Bulls Eye 45 1 out of 7 745 3221d 3h 3m 40s
Zelda Mini Game - Cucca Hunt 62 1 out of 9 672 5797d 4h 53m 24s
Zelda: can of whoop ass 1,935 1 out of 14 733 2854d 7h 45m 21s
Zero Tolerance 1,090 1 out of 10 721 1475d 6h 37m 9s
Zidane - Head Butt Game 8,340 1 out of 41 1212 5744d 6h 59m 56s
Zig Zag 9,936 1 out of 19 683 1983d 3h 50m 11s
Zorbatron 54,598 1 out of 5 315 1983d 4h 3m 46s
Zwingo 8,203 1 out of 17 690 6073d 7h 59m 52s

Users Active in the Arcade (Total Users: 167, Record Total: 9437)
Active Users Members: 0 | Guests: 167 | Anonymous: 0 
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Arcade Statistics
Board Stats We have a total of 15,640 games in our Arcade
Our users have played a total of 0 games today
Our users have played a total of 14,979,597 games, for a total time of 8y 5m 6d 11h 36m 31s
Out of 15,640 total games, 4,973 games have been added to users favorites
482 members have favorites saved, with a total of 8,848 favorite games saved between them
Goldminer Vegas Full Version has been added to users favorites 48 times making it the top game based on favorites

- Lo-Fi Version Time is now: 19th January 2025 - 01:50 AM
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